Our larger data center runs a little hot. The temperature and humidity sensors at the backs of the racks there regularly trigger Warning and even Critical notifications from CheckMK.
We have already increased the threshold for notifications from all the temp and humidity sensors, we would like to:
raise the threshold for all sensors in the "hot" data center
raise the threshold even more for the rear rack sensors in the "hot" data center
maintain the threshold for other locations as it is now
Example warning:
Service PROBLEM notification
Host: [lib-servoobm01.princeton.edu](http://lib-servoobm01.princeton.edu/) (IP: redacted)
Service: Temperature HPCRC Rack E22 Front
Additional Info
92.0 °F (warn/crit at 92.0/95.0 °F) (warn/crit below 62.6/57.2 °F)
Our larger data center runs a little hot. The temperature and humidity sensors at the backs of the racks there regularly trigger Warning and even Critical notifications from CheckMK.
We have already increased the threshold for notifications from all the temp and humidity sensors, we would like to:
Example warning: