pulibrary / ops-catchall

Operations Catch All
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review backup of the following VMS #95

Open kayiwa opened 2 weeks ago

kayiwa commented 2 weeks ago

The following VMs are currently not backed up and not tagged in vSphere. Audit these and determine if they need to be backed up. For any machine that we do not want to back up, add the LIB_DONT_BACKUP tag. For any machine that we do want to back up, add a tag for the specific data center and day of the week. Check them off as you go.


  1. We should back up one server per project/role using VEEAM (for example, we have abid-prod1 and abid-prod2, pick one to back up and mark the other DONT_BACKUP).
  2. Every VM should have a tag - either the DONT_BACKUP tag or a tag showing which data center the VM is in and the day of the week on which it is backed up. This way we can see that we have made choice for each VM - either to back it up or not to back it up.
  3. Balance the amount of disk being backed up in each group - we don't want to back up 3TB on Tuesdays and only 50GB on Wednesdays.