pulibrary / orangelight

PUL Blacklight Project (Ruby 3.1.0, Rails 6.1.7)
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Use Shibboleth instead of CAS for Authentication #2040

Open escowles opened 4 years ago

escowles commented 4 years ago

Shibboleth would let us get more info on users, including whether they are faculty/staff/students and also access to metadata such as "employee type" which would help us better recognize and offer services to our many affiliate user groups outside of fac/staff/students.

kevinreiss commented 3 years ago
kevinreiss commented 1 month ago

OIT is planning to sunset CAS as an authentication option sometime in the next two years in favor of Shibboleth or the MS SSO option (need name). When we have more details on this we can create new epic ticket that can use some of the action items above.