pulibrary / orangelight

PUL Blacklight Project (Ruby 3.1.0, Rails 7.1.4)
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When possible, create a dropdown to select chapter titles for EDD #4018

Closed sdellis closed 1 month ago

sdellis commented 7 years ago

When there's a value in the 505 field, break on double dashes to offer a dropdown in the EDD form for Chapter Titles. This could be a stretch, but the usability tests show that this content is generally consistent when present and could be used more effectively.

sdellis commented 7 years ago

Or at the very least, show the contents note (505) on that page somehow to make it easy to find chapter titles.

kevinreiss commented 7 years ago

We aren't building this display from a full MARC record so we'll need to see how this is represented in the solr document we do use. Do we have an example record for this?

sdellis commented 7 years ago

Here's one: https://pulsearch.princeton.edu/catalog/6961116

kevinreiss commented 7 years ago

Right now the chapters are in single string in the contents_display field. If we are going to support rendering these as a select list we are going to need to parse the marc of the fly https://bibdata.princeton.edu/bibliographic/6961116 or update our normalization routine and solr schema to all them to be stored/returned in a multi-valued (and perhaps ordered) data structure.

sdellis commented 7 years ago

It looks like it's already returned in a multi-valued data structure via solr under the "content_title_index" property: https://bibdata.princeton.edu/bibliographic/6961116/solr

kevinreiss commented 7 years ago

Right now the request form is using the solr doc returned by blacklight itself which isn't returning all the values in the bibdata solr doc view. At one time there was a serious performance issue with using bibdata's solr doc endpoint but I think @tampakis has fixed that. However I think it is still preferable to probably just have blacklight return content_title_index in it's json view because otherwise we are going to have set something up to pul a solr document from bibdata for voyager-derived records and use the data in the pulsearch index for non-voyager materials.

kevinreiss commented 4 years ago

The 505 field is indexed into 'contents_display' in the solr document. We could look at seeing if the data there is suitable to support adding a dropdown with the potential choices when they are available.

sdellis commented 4 years ago

@kevinreiss we should also check with folks in Cataloging and Metadata Services to verify that we are not filtering 505 info out when we accession items.

christinach commented 3 months ago

Create a new ticket to display the table of contents in the request form. @kevinreiss

kevinreiss commented 1 month ago

closing in favor of https://github.com/pulibrary/orangelight/issues/4060