pulibrary / orangelight

PUL Blacklight Project (Ruby 3.1.0, Rails 7.1.4)
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Language and Facet subjects are not very user-friendly in A-Z version #4025

Open sandbergja opened 3 months ago

sandbergja commented 3 months ago

User story

Current display

Currently a user has to:

  1. Press "more" in the facet
  2. Press "A-Z"
  3. Keep paging through until they get to the desired facet value. Loading each page of results can take some time, too.

Power users may open the "more" link in a new tab, which allows them to adjust the URL to get closer to the desired page, but even if you are aware of this workaround, you still have to page through a few results until you find just the right page.

Desired display

In the #catalog channel, Joshua suggested:

If we could have an input bar in which you start typing and a hotlist that changes based on the input while typing, this would make selecting a language so much easier. Perhaps looking similar to the second image . suggested facet display of languages, with a typeahead combobox to limit the language results

Acceptance criteria

ellen-aa commented 1 month ago

This feature seems to be the way the Language facet works in Advanced Search. Carol and I think that the A-Z list and the Numerical sort are useful, but if there's a way to add the ability to type (as in the Language facet for Advanced Search), that would be very helpful (for the Catalog and for DPUL!).