pulibrary / pdc_discovery

Princeton Data Commons discovery portal for Research Data
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Solr indexing broken in staging #510

Closed bess closed 11 months ago

bess commented 11 months ago

Most relevant bit seems to be: Error adding field 'embargo_date_dtsi'='[]'

[pdc_discovery/staging] Notice: Error importing record from https://pdc-describe-staging.princeton.edu/describe/works/472.json. Exception: Traject::SolrJsonWriter: Exceeded maximum number of skipped records (0): aborting: Unexpected HTTP response status 400 from POST http://lib-solr8-staging.princeton.edu:8983/solr/pdc-discovery-staging-2/update/json: ERROR: [doc=doi-10-80021-aj79-nf88] Error adding field 'embargo_date_dtsi'='[]' msg=Invalid Date String:'' #510


line 91 of [PROJECT_ROOT]/app/lib/describe_indexer.rb: rescue in block in perform_indexing
line 86 of [PROJECT_ROOT]/app/lib/describe_indexer.rb: block in perform_indexing
line 85 of [PROJECT_ROOT]/app/lib/describe_indexer.rb: each

View full backtrace and more info at honeybadger.io

Acceptance criteria

jrgriffiniii commented 11 months ago

I have confirmed that this is indeed blocking https://github.com/pulibrary/pdc_describe/issues/1491