pulibrary / pdc_discovery

Princeton Data Commons discovery portal for Research Data
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[pdc_discovery/production] Faraday::SSLError: SSL_read: unexpected eof while reading #599

Closed carolyncole closed 3 months ago

carolyncole commented 3 months ago


line 32 of [PROJECT_ROOT]/app/lib/dspace_research_data_harvester.rb: harvest
line 53 of [PROJECT_ROOT]/app/lib/dspace_research_data_harvester.rb: block in harvest
line 51 of [PROJECT_ROOT]/app/lib/dspace_research_data_harvester.rb: each

View full backtrace and more info at honeybadger.io

Looks like this is also related https://app.honeybadger.io/projects/95072/faults/102446206

carolyncole commented 3 months ago

We are going to close this issue, because dspace just goes down a ton. We discussed this on 4/12/24 is standup