pulibrary / pul_library_drupal

Deprecated - Princeton University Library Core Site Drupal Codebase
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Module Cleanup: Part Three #823

Closed kevinreiss closed 9 months ago

kevinreiss commented 9 years ago

There are still about 100 inactive modules in the site. Many of these are inactive dependencies or things like devel that you want to be part of the project to turn on when doing development and testings but there are still probably 15-20 more that can be removed. We also have three disabled custom PUL features:

PUL Landing Page Spotlight                       pul_landing_page_spotlight                       Disabled  7.x-1.0-alpha
 PUL Library Taxonomy                             pul_library_taxonomy                             Disabled  7.x-1.2
 PUL Tagging and Classification                   pul_tagging_and_classification                   Disabled  7.x-1.0-alpha

that need to be reviewed and withdrawn.

axamei commented 9 years ago

Colorbox can be removed

kevinreiss commented 8 years ago

PUL Library taxonomy is gone.

axamei commented 7 years ago

Ran the unused_modules module to find out unused modules we have. This is the list it produced:

better_exposed_filters colorbox colorbox_node devel edit entityreference_view_widget flag fullcalendar fullcalendar_templates http_response_headers panelizer panels_everywhere pul_landing_page_spotlight pul_tagging_and_classification redis relation rss_field_formatters shortcutperrole superfish taxonomy_access taxonomy_csv taxonomy_menu varnish views_datasource views_responsive_grid

axamei commented 5 years ago

Add mollom to this list

kevinreiss commented 2 years ago

we may want to run unused modules again to see what the current results are.