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Back up Japanese Pedagogy journal issues from OJS staging #133

Closed kelynch closed 2 months ago

kelynch commented 2 months ago

Export files and metadata from the two complete issues of the Japanese Pedagogy journal at https://ojs-staging.princeton.edu/index.php/tj1/issue/archive and stage them privately in Google Drive for RDOS to review when they have a chance.

kelynch commented 2 months ago

I've exported the metadata and files from OJS and staged them here - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13hcTY_G8WadLeqPADlbMyIpubrnxKDyb

I'll share this with Hannah at our next check-in.

I used the OJS native import/export plugin to do this work - https://docs.pkp.sfu.ca/admin-guide/en/data-import-and-export.