pulibrary / tigerdata-app

TigerData is a comprehensive set of data storage and management tools and services that provides storage capacity, reliability, functionality, and performance to meet the needs of a rapidly changing research landscape and to enable new opportunities for leveraging the power of institutional data.
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File Inventory Download Update #1082

Open beth-german opened 20 hours ago

beth-german commented 20 hours ago

File Inventory Download Update

The file inventory download will appear as a modal when users click on "Download Complete List" from the project page. The modal will have several stages:

1. When no download is available, there's a gentle instruction to guide the users to "prepare new" list.

Screenshot 2024-12-03 at 11 36 05 AM

2. When preparing a new CSV, "Prepare New" button needs to be disabled.

Screenshot 2024-12-03 at 11 36 16 AM

3. There's available download, users can either download the existing file for request a new one. The modal shows the file name, size, time stamp for prepared and expires.

Screenshot 2024-12-03 at 11 37 34 AM

4. When hover on the green download button, the button expands with "download" text.

Screenshot 2024-12-03 at 11 38 32 AM

5. When requesting a new file list while the old one is available, asks for confirmation from the user with action needed.

Screenshot 2024-12-03 at 11 39 47 AM

6. User confirms request, preparing the new CSV.

Screenshot 2024-12-03 at 11 41 01 AM

7. New download available, with the "new" badge indicating status.

Screenshot 2024-12-03 at 11 41 48 AM

Link to Figma mockups: https://www.figma.com/design/rgzEYTpnGl6l68moRSVwYg/Phase-1-UI-Details?node-id=1525-12789&t=hqirxLfQlAHoF90o-4

Screenshot 2024-12-03 at 11 42 35 AM

Originally posted by @yiwenxx in https://github.com/pulibrary/aux/issues/14#issuecomment-2515072986

beth-german commented 15 hours ago

Prototype link: https://www.figma.com/proto/rgzEYTpnGl6l68moRSVwYg/Phase-1-UI-Details?node-id=1526-2308&node-type=section&t=EvojXMDiUrlMnoRc-1&scaling=min-zoom&content-scaling=fixed&page-id=190%3A8722&starting-point-node-id=1526%3A2308&show-proto-sidebar=1