pulilab / vue-qr-reader

Vue component to scan QR codes
MIT License
49 stars 13 forks source link

Vue is not defined #9

Open fanggangWeb opened 6 years ago

fanggangWeb commented 6 years ago

when i npm install and import vue-qr-reader,there is a error. vue is not defined image

DonNicoJs commented 6 years ago

@fanggangWeb Hello! are you using a vue project or is codebase without vue ? if is a vue project please use this instructions from the docs: https://pulilab.github.io/vue-qr-reader/#/vuecomponent

andreluiz1987 commented 5 years ago

I was able to run in development environment using the import VueQrReader from 'vue-qr-reader / dist / lib / vue-qr-reader.umd.js';      But when I want to generate the build for production this ' vue-qr-reader.umd.js' break the build, do you know what I should do in the webpack configuration to let vue-qr-reader.umd.js go through?