pulkin / micropython

MicroPython implementation on Ai-Thinker GPRS module A9 (RDA8955)
MIT License
103 stars 30 forks source link

Here's my SHT30 I2C for A9 micropython. It works #108

Closed garudaonekh closed 2 years ago

garudaonekh commented 2 years ago
from machine import Pin
import i2c
import time

__version__ = '0.2.1'
__license__ = "Apache License 2.0. https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0"

# I2C address B 0x45 ADDR (pin 2) connected to VDD

class SHT30():
    SHT30 sensor driver in pure python based on I2C bus

    * https://www.sensirion.com/fileadmin/user_upload/customers/sensirion/Dokumente/2_Humidity_Sensors/Sensirion_Humidity_Sensors_SHT3x_Datasheet_digital.pdf
    * https://www.wemos.cc/sites/default/files/2016-11/SHT30-DIS_datasheet.pdf
    * https://github.com/wemos/WEMOS_SHT3x_Arduino_Library
    * https://www.sensirion.com/fileadmin/user_upload/customers/sensirion/Dokumente/11_Sample_Codes_Software/Humidity_Sensors/Sensirion_Humidity_Sensors_SHT3x_Sample_Code_V2.pdf
    POLYNOMIAL = 0x131  # P(x) = x^8 + x^5 + x^4 + 1 = 100110001

    ALERT_PENDING_MASK = 0x8000 # 15
    HEATER_MASK = 0x2000        # 13
    RH_ALERT_MASK = 0x0800      # 11
    T_ALERT_MASK = 0x0400       # 10
    RESET_MASK = 0x0010         # 4
    CMD_STATUS_MASK = 0x0002    # 1
    WRITE_STATUS_MASK = 0x0001  # 0
    _REGISTER_MASK = const(0x03)
    _REGISTER_CONVERT = const(0x00)
    _REGISTER_CONFIG = const(0x01)
    _OS_NOTBUSY = const(0x8000)  # Read: Bit=1 when no conversion is in progress

    # MSB = 0x2C LSB = 0x06 Repeatability = High, Clock stretching = enabled
    MEASURE_CMD = b'\x2C\x10'
    STATUS_CMD = b'\xF3\x2D'
    RESET_CMD = b'\x30\xA2'
    CLEAR_STATUS_CMD = b'\x30\x41'
    ENABLE_HEATER_CMD = b'\x30\x6D'
    DISABLE_HEATER_CMD = b'\x30\x66'
    # Timings (after some try and error)    

    #mem_transmit(id: int, slave_address: int, memory_address: int, memory_size: int, data: bytes, timeout: int = I2C_DEFAULT_TIME_OUT)

    CMD_TIMEOUT = 20
    def __init__(self, i2c,i2c_id,scl_pin=5, sda_pin=4, delta_temp = 0, delta_hum = 0, i2c_address=DEFAULT_I2C_ADDRESS):

        self.set_delta(delta_temp, delta_hum)
        self.i2c_addr = i2c_address
    def init(self, scl_pin=5, sda_pin=4):
        Init the I2C bus using the new pin values

    def is_present(self):
        Return true if the sensor is correctly conneced, False otherwise
        return True
        #self.i2c_addr in self.i2c.scan()

    def set_delta(self, delta_temp = 0, delta_hum = 0):
        Apply a delta value on the future measurements of temperature and/or humidity
        The units are Celsius for temperature and percent for humidity (can be negative values)
        self.delta_temp = delta_temp
        self.delta_hum = delta_hum

    def _check_crc(self, data):
        # calculates 8-Bit checksum with given polynomial
        crc = 0xFF

        for b in data[:-1]:
            crc ^= b;
            for _ in range(8, 0, -1):
                if crc & 0x80:
                    crc = (crc << 1) ^ SHT30.POLYNOMIAL;
                    crc <<= 1
        crc_to_check = data[-1]
        return crc_to_check == crc

    def send_cmd(self, cmd_request, response_size=6, read_delay_ms=100):
        Send a command to the sensor and read (optionally) the response
        The responsed data is validated by CRC
            self.i2c.transmit(self.i2c_id, self.i2c_addr,  cmd_request, 10)
            if not response_size:
            data=self.i2c.receive(self.i2c_id, self.i2c_addr,  response_size, 10)
            for i in range(response_size//3):
                if not self._check_crc(data[i*3:(i+1)*3]): # pos 2 and 5 are CRC
                    raise SHT30Error(SHT30Error.CRC_ERROR)
            if data == bytearray(response_size):
                raise SHT30Error(SHT30Error.DATA_ERROR)
            return data
        except OSError as ex:
            if 'I2C' in ex.args[0]:
                raise SHT30Error(SHT30Error.BUS_ERROR)
            raise ex

    def clear_status(self):
        Clear the status register
        return self.send_cmd(SHT30.CLEAR_STATUS_CMD, None); 

    def reset(self):
        Send a soft-reset to the sensor
        return self.send_cmd(SHT30.RESET_CMD, None); 

    def status(self, raw=False):
        Get the sensor status register. 
        It returns a int value or the bytearray(3) if raw==True
        data = self.send_cmd(SHT30.STATUS_CMD, 3, read_delay_ms=20); 

        if raw:
            return data

        status_register = data[0] << 8 | data[1]
        return status_register

    def measure(self, raw=False):
        If raw==True returns a bytearrya(6) with sensor direct measurement otherwise
        It gets the temperature (T) and humidity (RH) measurement and return them.

        The units are Celsius and percent
        data = self.send_cmd(SHT30.MEASURE_CMD, 6); 

        if raw:
            return data

        t_celsius = (((data[0] << 8 |  data[1]) * 175) / 0xFFFF) - 45 + self.delta_temp;
        rh = (((data[3] << 8 | data[4]) * 100.0) / 0xFFFF) + self.delta_hum;
        return t_celsius, rh

    def measure_int(self, raw=False):
        Get the temperature (T) and humidity (RH) measurement using integers.
        If raw==True returns a bytearrya(6) with sensor direct measurement otherwise
        It returns a tuple with 4 values: T integer, T decimal, H integer, H decimal
        For instance to return T=24.0512 and RH= 34.662 This method will return
        (24, 5, 34, 66) Only 2 decimal digits are returned, .05 becomes 5
        Delta values are not applied in this method
        The units are Celsius and percent.
        data = self.send_cmd(SHT30.MEASURE_CMD, 6); 
        if raw: 
            return data
        aux = (data[0] << 8 | data[1]) * 175
        t_int = (aux // 0xffff) - 45;
        t_dec = (aux % 0xffff * 100) // 0xffff
        aux = (data[3] << 8 | data[4]) * 100
        h_int = aux // 0xffff
        h_dec = (aux % 0xffff * 100) // 0xffff
        return t_int, t_dec, h_int, h_dec

class SHT30Error(Exception):
    Custom exception for errors on sensor management
    BUS_ERROR = 0x01 
    DATA_ERROR = 0x02
    CRC_ERROR = 0x03

    def __init__(self, error_code=None):
        self.error_code = error_code

    def get_message(self):
        if self.error_code == SHT30Error.BUS_ERROR:
            return "Bus error"
        elif self.error_code == SHT30Error.DATA_ERROR:
            return "Data error"
        elif self.error_code == SHT30Error.CRC_ERROR:
            return "CRC error"
            return "Unknown error"
garudaonekh commented 2 years ago

Testing code:

from sht30_a9 import SHT30
import i2c
