pulkin / micropython

MicroPython implementation on Ai-Thinker GPRS module A9 (RDA8955)
MIT License
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UART performance #34

Open pulkin opened 4 years ago

pulkin commented 4 years ago

Make this work:

pulkin commented 4 years ago

@sebi5361, could you try the latest build with your vscode setup? I realized that the SDK spits out input in chunks as high as 1Kb so having a 256-byte buffer is definitely not enough. I fixed that in latest commits and it seems to work with all of ampy stuff.

sebi5361 commented 4 years ago

I have just tried with my setup (VSCode + PyMakr) with a project that contains big files. Am still having some errors:

Creating dir lib/tinylora
Creating dir lib/uasyncio
[1/27] Writing file boot.py (1kb)
[2/27] Writing file code/createstubs.py (14kb)
[3/27] Writing file code/credentials.py (0kb)
[4/27] Writing file code/stubber.py (14kb)
[5/27] Writing file lib/bme280.py (9kb)
Failed to write file, trying again...
Failed to write file, trying again...
Filecheck failed
[6/27] Writing file lib/core.py (10kb)
Failed to write file, trying again...
Failed to write file, trying again...
Failed to write file: [Errno 5] EIO
[7/27] Writing file lib/HerkuleX.py (11kb)
Failed to write file, trying again...
Failed to write file, trying again...
Failed to write file: [Errno 5] EIO
[8/27] Writing file lib/ina219.py (16kb)
Failed to write file, trying again...
Failed to write file, trying again...
Failed to write file: [Errno 5] EIO
[9/27] Writing file lib/pye.py (40kb)
Failed to write file, trying again...
Failed to write file, trying again...
Filecheck failed
[10/27] Writing file lib/qmc5883l.py (10kb)
Failed to write file, trying again...
Failed to write file, trying again...
Upload failed.: Filecheck failed: OSError: [Errno 5] EIO
 Please reboot your device manually.
sebi5361 commented 4 years ago

I have just tried again after having erased completely all the files from the board. And it worked perfectly with my setup. Files up to 40KB were copied flawlessly. Congratulations!

pulkin commented 4 years ago

I fixed error codes: now it should display EIO 28 in your case indicating the lack of space.

sebi5361 commented 4 years ago

I tried to observe this new EIO 28 error code but I didn't manage to make my board bump into such an error yet.

arlucio commented 4 years ago

I saw the make "all ampy commands" to work and decided to post this here.

I've updated to the last version of the fw and I couldn't make rmdir ampy command to work, rm is working fine.

I was able to delete directories using rshell and the rm -r "DIR" command, and files using rm -f "FILE"

Tried mpfshell and the ls command don't work at all and crashes the connection, but I was able to delete files and directories using the rm command.

In all three options, connection was quite unrealible, many times I try to delete something and it just don't work at all, so I had to disconnect everything (power and communication port) and it started working again (lost quite some time cause I was just disconnecting the power or resetting module).

pulkin commented 4 years ago

I hope that automated testing will take care of most of these issues. I am starting looking into it.

arlucio commented 4 years ago

Ok, so I've installed the uhashlib fw build and now is the opposite, ampy and rshell doesn't work but mpfshell is working perfectly!

pulkin commented 4 years ago

That does not clarify the issue. If you want to help here you may intercept and investigate the UART traffic using interceptty /dev/ttyUSB0 bridge for example.