Open efe-pullflow opened 1 month ago
The issue describes a problem with running a command using pnpm, but lacks sufficient information to reproduce the bug, such as error messages or specific steps leading to the crash. Therefore, the 'bug/needs-info' label is appropriate to request additional details from the reporter.
Hello @efe-pullflow, I'm pullflow-ai, here to help with your issue. Based on your description, it seems like you're experiencing a problem when using pnpm
with your Redwood setup. However, your package.json
indicates that you are using yarn
as your package manager.
Could you please clarify if you have switched to using pnpm
? If so, it might be helpful to check if pnpm
is properly installed and configured in your environment. Additionally, any error messages or logs from the pnpm run dev
command would be useful to diagnose the issue further.
Looking forward to your response so we can resolve this together!
@pullflow-ai I'm using Yarn, what should I do ? Is there something wrong with my dependencies?
@efe-pullflow, thanks for the clarification. Since you're using Yarn, let's focus on that. Your package.json
seems to be set up for Yarn, and there doesn't appear to be any immediate issues with your dependencies at a glance.
Here are a few steps you can try to troubleshoot the issue:
Ensure Yarn is Up-to-Date: Make sure you are using the latest version of Yarn. You can update it by running npm install -g yarn
Clean and Reinstall: Run yarn install
to ensure all dependencies are correctly installed. If you suspect there might be a corrupted node_modules folder, you can delete it and then run yarn install
Check for Errors: When you run yarn dev
or any other command that leads to a crash, check the terminal for any error messages. These messages can provide clues about what's going wrong.
Compatibility: Double-check if any of your dependencies have known compatibility issues with each other or with the version of Node.js you are using.
Logs: If the error persists, consider adding more logging to your scripts to capture more detail about what might be causing the crash.
If you can share any specific error messages or logs from when you run yarn dev
, that would be very helpful in diagnosing the issue further.
What's not working?
Hi i downloaded the most recent version of redwood and here is my package:
{ "private": true, "license": "MIT", "workspaces": [ "packages/", "packages/adapters//", "packages/auth-providers//", "packages/cli-packages/", "packages/mailer/core", "packages/mailer/handlers/", "packages/mailer/renderers/", "!packages/create-redwood-rsc-app" ], "scripts": { "build": "nx run-many -t build", "build:clean": "node ./tasks/clean.mjs", "build:clean:super": "git clean -fdx && yarn && yarn build", "build:pack": "nx run-many -t build:pack", "build:test-project": "node ./tasks/test-project/test-project", "build:watch": "lerna run build:watch --parallel; tsc --build", "changesets": "tsx ./tasks/changesets/changesets.mts", "check": "cross-env yarn constraints && yarn dedupe --check", "check:package": "nx run-many -t check:package --output-style static", "clean:prisma": "rimraf node_modules/.prisma/client && node node_modules/@prisma/client/scripts/postinstall.js", "e2e": "node ./tasks/run-e2e", "e2e:background-jobs": "tsx ./tasks/e2e-background-jobs/run.mts", "format": "prettier . --write", "format:check": "prettier . --check", "generate-dependency-graph": "node ./tasks/generateDependencyGraph.mjs", "install:all": "concurrently -g -c auto -n install:fw \"yarn install\" npm:install:crwrsca", "install:ci": "concurrently -g -c auto -n install:fw:ci \"yarn install --inline-builds\" npm:install:crwrsca:ci", "install:crwrsca": "yarn --cwd packages/create-redwood-rsc-app install", "install:crwrsca:ci": "yarn --cwd packages/create-redwood-rsc-app install --inline-builds", "lint": "concurrently -c auto npm:lint:fw npm:lint:crwrsca", "lint:crwrsca": "yarn --cwd packages/create-redwood-rsc-app run lint", "lint:fix": "yarn lint --fix", "lint:fw": "cross-env RWJS_CWD=packages/create-redwood-app/templates/ts eslint --config .eslintrc.js --ignore-pattern Routes.jsx --ignore-pattern create-redwood-rsc-app packages", "project:copy": "node ./tasks/framework-tools/frameworkFilesToProject.mjs", "project:deps": "node ./tasks/framework-tools/frameworkDepsToProject.mjs", "project:sync": "node ./tasks/framework-tools/frameworkSyncToProject.mjs", "project:tarsync": "tsx ./tasks/framework-tools/tarsync/bin.mts", "rebuild-fragments-test-project-fixture": "tsx ./tasks/test-project/rebuild-fragments-test-project-fixture.ts", "rebuild-test-project-fixture": "tsx ./tasks/test-project/rebuild-test-project-fixture.ts", "smoke-tests": "node ./tasks/smoke-tests/smoke-tests.mjs", "test": "nx run-many -t test -- --minWorkers=1 --maxWorkers=4", "test-ci": "nx run-many -t test", "test:k6": "tsx ./tasks/k6-test/run-k6-tests.mts", "test:types": "nx run-many -t test:types" }, "resolutions": { "@storybook/react-dom-shim@npm:7.6.17": "", "vscode-languageserver": "6.1.1", "vscode-languageserver-protocol": "3.17.5", "vscode-languageserver-textdocument": "1.0.12", "vscode-languageserver-types": "3.17.5" }, "devDependencies": { "@actions/cache": "3.2.4", "@actions/core": "1.10.1", "@actions/exec": "1.1.1", "@actions/glob": "0.5.0", "@babel/cli": "7.25.6", "@babel/core": "^7.22.20", "@babel/generator": "7.25.6", "@babel/node": "7.25.0", "@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators": "7.24.7", "@babel/plugin-transform-class-properties": "^7.22.5", "@babel/plugin-transform-nullish-coalescing-operator": "7.24.7", "@babel/plugin-transform-private-methods": "^7.22.5", "@babel/plugin-transform-private-property-in-object": "^7.22.11", "@babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx": "^7.22.15", "@babel/plugin-transform-runtime": "7.25.4", "@babel/preset-env": "^7.22.20", "@babel/preset-react": "^7.22.15", "@babel/preset-typescript": "^7.22.15", "@babel/runtime-corejs3": "7.25.6", "@faker-js/faker": "8.4.1", "@npmcli/arborist": "7.5.4", "@playwright/test": "1.47.2", "@testing-library/jest-dom": "6.5.0", "@testing-library/react": "14.3.1", "@testing-library/user-event": "14.5.2", "@types/babel__generator": "7.6.8", "@types/fs-extra": "11.0.4", "@types/jest": "29.5.13", "@types/jscodeshift": "0.11.11", "@types/ncp": "2.0.8", "@types/prompts": "2.4.9", "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "8.5.0", "@typescript-eslint/parser": "8.5.0", "@yarnpkg/types": "4.0.0", "all-contributors-cli": "6.26.1", "babel-jest": "^29.7.0", "babel-plugin-auto-import": "1.1.0", "babel-plugin-remove-code": "0.0.6", "boxen": "5.1.2", "concurrently": "8.2.2", "core-js": "3.38.1", "cross-env": "7.0.3", "cypress": "13.14.2", "cypress-fail-fast": "7.1.1", "cypress-wait-until": "3.0.2", "dependency-cruiser": "16.4.2", "dotenv": "16.4.5", "eslint": "8.57.1", "eslint-plugin-react": "7.36.1", "eslint-plugin-react-hooks": "4.6.0", "eslint-plugin-unused-imports": "3.2.0", "execa": "5.1.1", "fast-glob": "3.3.2", "fs-extra": "11.2.0", "human-id": "^4.1.1", "jest": "29.7.0", "jscodeshift": "17.0.0", "lerna": "8.1.8", "listr2": "6.6.1", "make-dir-cli": "4.0.0", "msw": "1.3.4", "ncp": "2.0.0", "nodemon": "3.1.7", "npm-packlist": "8.0.2", "nx": "11.8.0", "ora": "8.1.0", "prettier": "3.3.3", "prettier-plugin-curly": "0.2.2", "prettier-plugin-packagejson": "2.5.2", "prettier-plugin-sh": "0.14.0", "prompts": "2.4.2", "rimraf": "6.0.1", "tstyche": "2.1.1", "tsx": "4.19.1", "typescript": "2.6.2", "vitest": "2.0.5", "yargs": "12.7.2", "zx": "8.1.8" }, "packageManager": "yarn@3.4.0", "npmClient": "yarn" }
Is there any reason why my pnpm is failing?
How do we reproduce the bug?
pnpm run dev causes the program to crash
What's your environment? (If it applies)
No response
Are you interested in working on this?