pullingshots / Shipment

Perl interface into various shipping web service API's - FedEx, UPS, Purolator, Temando, Canada Post
19 stars 19 forks source link

Tests failing under perl 5.16 and above #21

Closed pullingshots closed 10 years ago

pullingshots commented 10 years ago

The following error occurs when running tests under perl 5.16 and above:

Can't locate object method "new" via package "Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::RequestedShipment" (perhaps you forgot to load "Shipment::FedEx::WSDL::RateTypes::RequestedShipment"?) at /loader/0x29e08b0/SOAP/WSDL/XSD/Typelib/ComplexType.pm line 229.

This seems to be related to a bug in SOAP::WSDL - see https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=74257

There are a number of patches contained on this bug report which will need to be applied to Shipment/SOAP/WSDL.pm