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PullAssigner works for one repo but not the other #178

Closed AliSoftware closed 5 years ago

AliSoftware commented 5 years ago


We have multiple repos in our organisation and while in some, PullAssigners is working (I'm not the one who configured it there though), in the other it properly assigns our PullAssigner proxy team to the new PRs (since we configured the CODEOWNERS file for that) like the others... but then PullAssigner doesn't assign anyone to those PRs in that problematic repo: it stays as a regular reviewer assigned to the PR and doesn't assign anyone in the proxy team, instead of assigning people and remove itself, like it does for our main repo

What am I missing? Why would it work in one repo and not the other? Am I supposed to configure something to make it work on each repo?

abinoda commented 5 years ago

@AliSoftware What is shown in the activity log in the Pull Assigner dashboard?

Otherwise, make sure that both the Pull Assigner and Pull Panda apps BOTH are enabled for the repo in question. You can double check this by going to your GitHub organization settings -> Installed GitHub Apps.

AliSoftware commented 5 years ago

@abinoda Thanks for the quick reply.

I just removed and re-added our Pull Assigners proxy team to a PR in that problematic repo, and the activity log shows:

Error | repo_inaccessible | Stevenson#20

But the repo is an OpenSource repo, you should be able to see it yourself too: https://github.com/Babylonpartners/Stevenson/pull/20

Maybe it's just that the proxy team is not given access to the repo indeed, despite the repo being OSS. I'll ask IT to double check (I don't have access to my GH org's settings).

PS: One might want to update the Pull Panda docs to mention that step btw?

AliSoftware commented 5 years ago

Here's our setup so far:

  1. In pullreminders.com, under "Assigners" tab, we have – amongst others – a team added for team "iOS-PullAssigner (iOS-Admin)". So this is supposed to affect people from the iOS-Admin GitHub team (which has 27 people in it), using the proxy team iOS-PullAssigner (which has 0 people in it, as expected for a proxy team)
  2. In a repo of our org where Pull Assigners works, when I go to the repo's Settings under "Collaborators & Teams", we have iOS-PullAssigner with Write access and iOS-Admin with Admin access
  3. In the repo where it doesn't work, we only had iOS-PullAssigner with Write access there but no iOS-Admin... so I thought that was it... and I added iOS-Admin with Admin access to that repo too, waited 5 minutes, then removed iOS-PullAssigner from our of our PR in that repo and added it again... but alas, I still get Error - repo_inaccessible, even if now both iOS-PullAssigner and iOS-Admin teams have access in that repo's settings

Btw since it's working for 2 other repos in that same GH organization, I'm not sure if the settings at the GH organization level would have something to do with it? (but since I don't have access to settings at this level I'll ask our IT folks to be sure anyway)

AliSoftware commented 5 years ago

Ok, this was indeed because of a setting at the GitHub organization' settings level, had to have our devops folks add that repo as part of the repos which the app had access too, so it's solved now!

Thanks for the pointers @abinoda !

Do you think it would be worth updating this doc to help people troubleshoot this kind of issues in the future?