pullup / OneTab-Night-Mode

Little theme for the onetab page to make it less eye raping.
31 stars 6 forks source link

The guide is outdated as it deals with version 1.18_0 instead of the current version 1.35_0 of OneTab #7

Open ghost opened 3 years ago

ghost commented 3 years ago

The installation instruction for the Chrome version says in step 2, that we need to:

"Drop / paste [the onetab.css file] into

`C:\Users\YOUR_WINDOWS_USERNAME_HERE\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\chphlpgkkbolifaimnlloiipkdnihall\1.18_0 "

The version number inside 'chphlpgkkbolifaimnlloiipkdnihall' in my file system says 1.35_0 instead of 1.18_0, which is fine, but it seems to me this readme file is outdated, due to the following issues.

I have followed the second step where we need to paste the onetab.css file into this directory, replacing the existing file with the same name.

After that, OneTab got disabled in Chrome, and each time after I tried enabling it back it gets disabled again.

If this is an outdated guide, an updatewith regard to these issues would prove useful, it is quite probable that other users have this problem as well, and if someone did encounter this or know the way to fix it, please contribute to this development.

cPanelRyan commented 3 years ago

Just chiming in that I had the same problem. Trying out modifying it directly from chrome inspector, may only last for this session though.

brunodantas commented 3 years ago

Same. Replacing the css on Ubuntu 20.04 broke the extension for me.

i1itione commented 3 years ago

I guess we can't modify any file of an extension directly on Google Chrome, but it works on Chromium based.

I found that there is a solution for Google Chrome, copy the OneTab extension folder and replace onetab.css, then using load unpacked extension to load the modified OneTab extension (folder). I tested it on Chrome v88.

sebastianrosado commented 2 years ago

I'm very new to extensions, licensing and solo software distribution, so please forgive the naive question that follows. Given it's not open source, I'm guessing we're not allowed to modify the unpacked files and simply re-upload as a new extension. Is the next best option to provide users with the modified files to replace in their own unpacked versions of the extension? I could work on that.