pulp-platform / common_cells

Common SystemVerilog components
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In stream_xbar module, when flush_i is asserted, ready_o[31] remains unset (not set to 0). #211

Open mhayat-10xe opened 7 months ago

mhayat-10xe commented 7 months ago

I wrote this assertion and it is failing.

    for (genvar inp = 0; inp < NumInp ; inp++ ) 

     assrt8_flush_with_ready_0: // when flush_i is asserted ready_o should be zero
     assert property(flush_i |-> ready_o[inp]==0);


It passes for all other ready_o, but fails for ready_o[31].

mhayat-10xe commented 7 months ago

Hi @niwis, is this a bug or there is a problem in my understanding?

niwis commented 7 months ago

Hi @hayat10x, according to the signal description, valid_i should be deasserted during flush_i. Is this the case in your counterexample? https://github.com/pulp-platform/common_cells/blob/69d40a536665ab9c8f0066ee48b139579df7fccd/src/stream_xbar.sv#L57-L61

Also, note that flush_i only resets the internal state of the round-robin arbiter. If this is misleading, feel free to propose a different solution.

mhayat-10xe commented 7 months ago

yes, valid_i is deasserted in the case when flush_i is asserted. I wrote the assumption for flush_i as follows:

assmp5_flush_i:  // flush should only be asserted if there is no active valid_i
assume property(flush_i |->  valid_i == 0 );
niwis commented 7 months ago

could you share a waveform? Also, to clarify, flush_i only resets the internal state of the round-robin arbiter, which determines which input is being served in the following cycles.

mhayat-10xe commented 7 months ago

So when the internal state of the arbiter is reset, won't it affect ready_o? Here is the waveform where you can see that valid_i = 0, and all other ready_o indexes are flushed except ready_o[31]. image

niwis commented 7 months ago

@hayat10x we would need more visibility to debug this. could you share a reproducible testbench or a data format containing all internal signals? Adding @thommythomaso to the discussion

mhayat-10xe commented 7 months ago

Hi @niwis, I apologize for the delayed response. Unfortunately, access to the JasperGold license has been discontinued. I will provide all the internal signals once it becomes available again. Thanks