Closed SitSaw17 closed 3 months ago
I have been trying to replicate this project with Crazyflies 2.0 and ai-deck. I have followed the instruction and managed to deploy the code into the drone but when I restart the drone nothing happens, any idea why?
Hi, Did you modified the code on Crazyflie side? According to my understanding, there is no Crazyflie-side control code in this repository, so we need to look for it, or write the Crazyflie-side control code ourselves.
Hi i found an old cf control for pulp-shield I couldn't complie it since i am using a newer version of gap_sdk. I am trying to modify ai_deck.c now instead
Hi i found an old cf control for pulp-shield I couldn't complie it since i am using a newer version of gap_sdk. I am trying to modify ai_deck.c now instead
Hi, Looking forward to hearing from you. By the way, did you achieved the communication between AI-deck and CF throught uart ? According to my understanding, CF need to fly autonomously based on network predictions. The network prediction results should be transmitted to Crazyflie via uart. Regard, Mathilda
i manage to flash pulp-shield firmware but still nothing, so it might be as you said with the cf uart. I haven't manage to get the test_uart examples to work either.
This is from the cfclient console at start up
i manage to flash pulp-shield firmware but still nothing, so it might be as you said with the cf uart. I haven't manage to get the test_uart examples to work either.
Hi, is there any progress recently? About the transfer between AI-deck and CF, here is an example: and in this page,you can find Bitcraze & Greenwave's workshop( with video), uart is in Session3: What‘s more, do you have any progress on the deployment of DroNet? Best wishes!
hi I have been trying to replicate this project with Crazyflies 2.0 and ai-deck. I have followed the instruction and managed to deploy the code into the drone but when I restart the drone nothing happens, any idea why?