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ModelSim SE-64 invalid vlog argument #44

Closed jpavieira closed 7 years ago

jpavieira commented 7 years ago

When I'm running ..vsim/vcompile/rtl/vcompile_tb.sh using Modelsim SE-64 10.0b I get a error in the following line: vlog -quiet -64 -work ${LIB_PATH} -ccflags "-I${TB_PATH}/mem_dpi/" ${TB_PATH}/mem_dpi/mem_dpi.c

This version of modelsim does not have -ccflags argument and I can't get my hands on another version, is this argument really essencial?

My vlog options are the following:

Usage: vlog [options] files
  -help              Print this message
  -time              Print the compilation wall clock time
  -version           Print the version of the compiler
  -32                Run in 32-bit mode
  -64                Run in 64-bit mode
  -work <path>       Specify library WORK
  -error <msgNumber>[,<msgNumber>...]
                     Report the listed messages as errors
  -warning <msgNumber>[,<msgNumber>...]
                     Report the listed messages as warnings
  -note <msgNumber>[,<msgNumber>...]
                     Report the listed message as notes
  -suppress <msgNumber>[,<msgNumber>...]
                     Suppress the listed messages
  -msglimit <msgNumber>[,<msgNumber>...]
                     Limit the reporting of listed messages
  -93                Use VHDL 1076-1993 extended identifiers to preserve the
                     case of names in the equivalent entity interface
  -ams               Enable AMS wreal extensions
                     Enable PLI and debug command access to specified objects
                     when optimizing a design.
                     Objects are specified by a combination of design unit name
                     and object-kind and/or hierarchical name and object-kind.
                     The +<selection> and <spec> modifiers together specify a set
                     of objects in a given place of a design.
                     These modifiers help maximize simulation performance while
                     retaining access to objects of interest.
                     The effect of this option is limited only to those design units
                     being compiled in the current vlog session.

                     By default, this option has an effect on all design units
                     being compiled.
                     +<selection> can be used to target the extent of this option
                     to only a specified design unit, instance, region, or object.
                     When +<selection> is a design unit name, all instances of that
                     design unit are affected.  When +<selection> is a design pathname
                     to an instance or region, only objects in that part of the design
                     are affected.  When +<selection> is a design pathname to an object,
                     only that object is affected.
                     For design units, instances, and regions,  if a trailing '.' is
                     present, the option is also applied recursively downwards (overriding
                     any number given in <spec> if it is present).

                        VHDL Design Unit:    +acc+myentity(myarch)
                        Verilog Design Unit: +acc=rn+Demux
                        Instance and below:  +acc=mrp+/top/u1.
                        Object:              +acc=r+/top/myreg
                        Region and below:    +acc+'/top/gen[3].'

                     By default, +acc has effect on all kinds of design objects.
                     <spec> is used to target more precisely certain kinds of objects.
                     <spec> consists of one or more of the following letter codes:
                        a (SVA/PSL objects, requirement for vsim -assertdebug)
                        b (net bits)
                        c (cell internal objects)
                        f (finite state machine recognition and debugging)
                        l (line debugging)
                        m (module, program, and interface instances)
                        n (nets)
                        p (ports)
                        r (variables and parameters)
                        s (enable override of built-in system tasks)
                        t (task and function scopes)
                        u (primitive instances)

                     When no valid <spec> characters are specified, the entire set
                     is enabled.
                     <spec> can contain a natural number to specify a recursive level
                     downwards from the specified entity (unless overridden by a trailing
                     '.' character given after +<selection> if present).
                     Don't lock down parameter values during compilation.
                     This enables use of the vsim -g/G options on the affected
                     The effect of the option is limited to parameters in
                     design units being compiled in the current vlog session.

                     The +<selection> modifier is described in the help text
                     for the +acc option.
  -compat            Disable optimizations that result in different event ordering
                     than Verilog-XL (at expense of performance).
                     Use the `uselib directive to find verilog source files
                     and compile them into automatically created libraries
  -cuname <compilation_unit_name>
                     Explicitly name the compilation unit package. The option
                     can only be used with -mfcu. The <compilation_unit_name>
                     can be top design unit name at vsim and vopt commandline
                     <spec> is used to enable code coverage metrics for certain
                     kinds of constructs.
                     <spec> consists of one or more of the following letter codes:
                        s (statement)
                        b (branch)
                        c (condition)
                        e (expression)
                        f (finite state machine)
                        t (toggle)
                        x (extended toggle)
                     If no <spec> characters are given, sbceft is the default.
  -coveropt <i>      Specify a digit for code coverage optimization level: 1 through 4.
  -coverexcludedefault Automatically exclude case default clauses.
  -coverfec          Enable Focused Expression Coverage analysis for conditions and expressions.
  -nocoverfec        Disable Focused Expression Coverage analysis for conditions and expressions.
  -coverudp          Enable UDP Coverage analysis for conditions and expressions.
  -nocoverudp        Disable UDP Coverage analysis for conditions and expressions.
  -nocovershort      Disable short circuiting of expressions/condition when coverage is enabled.
  -nocoverexcludedefault Don't automatically exclude case default clauses.
  -covercells        Enable code coverage options in cells
  -nocovercells      Disable code coverage options in cells
  -constimmedassert  Show constant immediate assertions in GUI/UCDB/reports etc.
  -togglecountlimit n Quit collecting toggle info after count n is reached.
  -togglewidthlimit n Don't collect toggle data on reg's or arrays wider than n.
  -extendedtogglemode [1|2|3]
                     Change the level of support for extended toggles.
                     The levels of support are:
                     1 - 0L->1H & 1H->0L & any one 'Z' transition (to/from 'Z')
                     2 - 0L->1H & 1H->0L & one transition to 'Z' & one transition from 'Z'
                     3 - 0L->1H & 1H->0L & all 'Z' transitions
  -toggleportsonly   Enable toggle statistics collection only for ports.
  -maxudprows n      Max number of rows allowed in UDP tables for code coverage.
  -maxfecrows n      Max number of input patterns allowed in FEC table for code coverage.
  -coverreportcancelled Report coverage items that have been optimized away.
                     Same as compiler directive: `define macro_name macro_text
  -deglitchalways    Make always_comb and always @* insensitive to variable
                     glitches, potentially breaking zero delay oscillations
                     among combinatorial always blocks.
                     Use structural delays and ignore path delays
  +delay_mode_path   Set structural delays to zero and use path delays
  +delay_mode_unit   Set non-zero structural delays to one
  +delay_mode_zero   Set structural delays to zero
  -dpiforceheader    Force generation of dpi header file even when
                     empty of function prototypes
  -dpiheader <filename>
                     Save the generated declarations of SystemVerilog DPI
                     tasks and functions into <filename>
  -E <filename>      Write preprocessed Verilog and SystemVerilog into <filename>
  -Epretty <filename>
                     Write pretty preprocessed Verilog and SystemVerilog into <filename>
  -Edebug <filename>
                     Write debugable preprocessed Verilog and SystemVerilog into <filename>
  -enumfirstinit     Initialize an enum using its first elem.
  -f <path>          Specify a file containing more command line arguments
  -nofsmresettrans   Disable recognition of implicit asynchronous reset transitions for FSMs
  -fsmresettrans     Enable recognition of implicit asynchronous reset transitions for FSMs
  -nofsmsingle       Disable recognition FSMs having single bit current state variable
  -fsmsingle         Enable recognition FSMs having single bit current state variable
  -fsmimplicittrans  Enable recognition of implicit transitions in FSMs
  -nofsmimplicittrans Disable recognition of implicit transitions in FSMs
  -fsmmultitrans     Enable recognition of Multi-state transitions in FSMs
  -fsmverbose [b|t|w]
                     Provides information about FSMs recognized, including state reachability analysis.
                     There are three detail levels that can be set with this option.
                        b (displays only basic information)
                        t (displays a transition table in addition to the basic information)
                        w (displays any warning messages in addition to the basic information)
                     If no character is specified, btw is the default.
  -nofsmxassign      Disable recognition of FSMs containing x assignment
  -fsmxassign        Enable recognition of FSMs containing x assignment
  -gen_xml <entity> <output>
                     Output (into a file) the interface definition of the
                     specified design unit in XML format
  -hazards           Enable run-time hazard checking code
  +incdir+<dir>      Search directory for files included with
                     `include "filename"
  -incr              Enable incremental compilation
                     Initialize fixed-size arrays of type indicated by <spec>.
                     Initialize variables of type indicated by <spec>.
                     Valid values of <spec> are:
                        r (4-state integral types)
                        b (2-state integral types)
                        e (enum types)
                        u (udp types)
                     If no <spec> is given, all these types are enabled.
                     If 0|1|X|Z is specified, all the bits in the variable
                     are intialized to that value.  Otherwise, these variables
                     are prepared for randomization during vsim.
  -L <libname>       Search library for design units needed when optimizing
  -Lf <libname>      Same as -L, but libraries are searched before `uselib
  -l <filename>      Write compilation log to <filename>
  +libext+<suffix>   Specify suffix of files in library directory
  -libmap <path>     Specify Verilog 2001 library map file
  -libmap_verbose    Display library map pattern matching information during compilation
  +librescan         Scan libraries in command line order for all
                     unresolved module references
  -line <lineNum>    Specify a starting line number
  -lint              Perform lint-style checks
  -lowercasepragma   Allow only lower case pragmas
  -lowercasepslpragma   Allow only lower case PSL pragmas
  -lrmclassinit      Use LRM-compliant class property initialization ordering
  -modelsimini <modelsim.ini>
                     Specify path to the modelsim.ini file.
  +maxdelays         Use maximum timing from min:typ:max expressions
  -mfcu              Multi-file compilation unit, all files in command line make up a compilation unit.
                     The default is to have each file be a separate compilation unit
  +mindelays         Use minimum timing from min:typ:max expressions
  -mixedansiports    Enables mixing of ANSI-style and non-ANSI-style declarations
  -nocheck           Disable run-time range and index checks
                     Do not put symbolic debugging information into the library
                     Do not generate symbols debugging database
  -noincr            Disable incremental compile previously turned on with -incr
  +nolibcell         Do not automatically define library modules as cells(default)
  +libcell           Define library modules (found with -v|-y search) as cells
  -nologo            Disable startup banner
  -nopsl             Disable embedded PSL language parsing
  -novopt            Do not run the "vopt" compiler before simulation
  +nospecify         Disable specify path delays and timing checks
  +notimingchecks    Disable timing checks
  -nowarn <number>   Disable specified category of warning messages; verror 1907 to see them
  +nowarn<CODE>      Disable specified warning message
  -noconstimmedassert  Do not show constant immediate assertions in GUI/UCDB/reports etc.
  -O0                Disable optimizations
  -O1                Enable some optimizations
  -O4                Enable most optimizations (default)
  -O5                Enable additional compiler optimizations
  -pedanticerrors    Enforce strict language checks
  -permissive        Relax some language error checks to warnings.
  -printinfilenames  Print path names for all source files opened during compilation.
  +protect[=<file>]  Enable use of `protect...`endprotect compiler directives
  -pslext            Enable PSL LTL/Universal operators
  -pslfile <file>    Compile and bind PSL vunits specified by <file>
  -quiet             Disable 'Loading' messages
  -R [<simargs>]     Cause vsim to be invoked with <simargs> and top-level
                     modules; simargs consists of the rest of the arguments
                     or until a single-character dash is encountered
  -                  Indicate end of optional -R <simargs>
  -refresh           Refresh the library image from .dat file(s)
  -scdpiheader <filename>
                     Save the generated declarations of SystemVerilog SystemC DPI
                     tasks and functions into <filename>
  -sfcu              Single-file compilation unit (default),
                     each file in command line is a separate compilation unit
  -skipprotected     Ignore protected regions
  -skipprotectedmodule Ignore modules containing protected regions
  -source            Print the source line with error messages
  -sv                Enable SystemVerilog features and keywords
  -sv05compat        Ensure compatibility with IEEE standard 1800-2005
  -sv09compat        Ensure compatibility with IEEE standard 1800-2009
  -oldsv             Enable selected constructs no longer supported by the SystemVerilog standard
                     Select the default kind for an input port that is
                     declared with a type, but without the var keyword.
                     Select 'net' for strict LRM compliance, where the
                     kind always defaults to wire. Select 'var' for
                     non-compliant behavior, where the kind always defaults
                     to var. The default is 'relaxed', where only a
                     type that is a 4-state scalar or 4-state single
                     dimension vector type defaults to wire.
  -timescale <timescale>
                     Specify the default timescale for modules not having an
                     explicit timescale. The format of <timescale> is the same
                     as that of the `timescale directive.
                     For example, -timescale "1 ns / 1 ps".
  -override_timescale <timescale>
                     Override the timescale specified in the source code.
  +typdelays         Use typical timing from min:typ:max expressions
  -u                 Convert regular Verilog identifiers to uppercase
  -v <path>          Specify Verilog source library file
  -vlog95compat      Ensure compatibility with Std 1364-1995
  -vlog01compat      Ensure compatibility with Std 1364-2001
  -convertallparams  Enables converting parameters not defined in ANSI style
                     to VHDL generics of type std_logic_vector, bit_vector,
                     std_logic and bit.
  -mixedsvvh [b | s | v] [packedstruct]
                     Facilitates using a SV packages at the SV-VHDL mixed-language boundary.
                        b - treat scalars/vectors in package as bit/bit_vector
                        s - treat scalars/vectors in package as std_logic/std_logic_vector
                        v - treat scalars/vectors in package as vl_logic/vl_logic_vector
                        packedstruct - treat packed structures as VHDL arrays of equivalent size
  -vopt              Run the "vopt" compiler before simulation
  -y <path>          Specify Verilog source library directory
  -vmake             Collects complete list of command line args and files processed for use by vmake.
  -writetoplevels <fileName>
                     Writes complete list of toplevels into <fileName> (also includes the name specified
                     with -cuname). The file <fileName> can be used with vopt command's -f switch.
gautschimi commented 7 years ago

this file is only required if you want to use the debugger. for normal simulations it is not required. just uncomment it. also the -64 argument is not strictly required. it might even be the default argument in your case

On 02.12.2016 23:06, João Vieira wrote:

When running ..vsim/vcompile/rtl/vcompile_tb.sh using Modelsim SE-64 10.0b I get a error in the following line: |vlog -quiet -64 -work ${LIB_PATH} -ccflags "-I${TB_PATH}/mem_dpi/" ${TB_PATH}/mem_dpi/mem_dpi.c|

This version of modelsim do not have -ccflags argument and I can't get my hands on another version, is this argument really essencial?

My vlog options are the following:

|Usage: vlog [options] files Options: -help Print this message -time Print the compilation wall clock time -version Print the version of the compiler -32 Run in 32-bit mode -64 Run in 64-bit mode -work

Specify library WORK -error [,...] Report the listed messages as errors -warning [,...] Report the listed messages as warnings -note [,...] Report the listed message as notes -suppress [,...] Suppress the listed messages -msglimit [,...] Limit the reporting of listed messages -93 Use VHDL 1076-1993 extended identifiers to preserve the case of names in the equivalent entity interface -ams Enable AMS wreal extensions +acc[=][{+[.]}] Enable PLI and debug command access to specified objects when optimizing a design. Objects are specified by a combination of design unit name and object-kind and/or hierarchical name and object-kind. The + and modifiers together specify a set of objects in a given place of a design. These modifiers help maximize simulation performance while retaining access to objects of interest. The effect of this option is limited only to those design units being compiled in the current vlog session. By default, this option has an effect on all design units being compiled. + can be used to target the extent of this option to only a specified design unit, instance, region, or object. When + is a design unit name, all instances of that design unit are affected. When + is a design pathname to an instance or region, only objects in that part of the design are affected. When + is a design pathname to an object, only that object is affected. For design units, instances, and regions, if a trailing '.' is present, the option is also applied recursively downwards (overriding any number given in if it is present). Examples: VHDL Design Unit: +acc+myentity(myarch) Verilog Design Unit: +acc=rn+Demux Instance and below: +acc=mrp+/top/u1. Object: +acc=r+/top/myreg Region and below: +acc+'/top/gen[3].' By default, +acc has effect on all kinds of design objects. is used to target more precisely certain kinds of objects. consists of one or more of the following letter codes: a (SVA/PSL objects, requirement for vsim -assertdebug) b (net bits) c (cell internal objects) f (finite state machine recognition and debugging) l (line debugging) m (module, program, and interface instances) n (nets) p (ports) r (variables and parameters) s (enable override of built-in system tasks) t (task and function scopes) u (primitive instances) When no valid characters are specified, the entire set is enabled. can contain a natural number to specify a recursive level downwards from the specified entity (unless overridden by a trailing '.' character given after + if present). +floatparameters[{+[.]}] Don't lock down parameter values during compilation. This enables use of the vsim -g/G options on the affected parameters. The effect of the option is limited to parameters in design units being compiled in the current vlog session. The + modifier is described in the help text for the +acc option. -compat Disable optimizations that result in different event ordering than Verilog-XL (at expense of performance). -compile_uselibs[=] Use the `uselib directive to find verilog source files and compile them into automatically created libraries -cuname Explicitly name the compilation unit package. The option can only be used with -mfcu. The can be top design unit name at vsim and vopt commandline +cover[=] is used to enable code coverage metrics for certain kinds of constructs. consists of one or more of the following letter codes: s (statement) b (branch) c (condition) e (expression) f (finite state machine) t (toggle) x (extended toggle) If no characters are given, sbceft is the default. -coveropt Specify a digit for code coverage optimization level: 1 through 4. -coverexcludedefault Automatically exclude case default clauses. -coverfec Enable Focused Expression Coverage analysis for conditions and expressions. -nocoverfec Disable Focused Expression Coverage analysis for conditions and expressions. -coverudp Enable UDP Coverage analysis for conditions and expressions. -nocoverudp Disable UDP Coverage analysis for conditions and expressions. -nocovershort Disable short circuiting of expressions/condition when coverage is enabled. -nocoverexcludedefault Don't automatically exclude case default clauses. -covercells Enable code coverage options in cells -nocovercells Disable code coverage options in cells -constimmedassert Show constant immediate assertions in GUI/UCDB/reports etc. -togglecountlimit n Quit collecting toggle info after count n is reached. -togglewidthlimit n Don't collect toggle data on reg's or arrays wider than n. -extendedtogglemode [1|2|3] Change the level of support for extended toggles. The levels of support are: 1 - 0L->1H & 1H->0L & any one 'Z' transition (to/from 'Z') 2 - 0L->1H & 1H->0L & one transition to 'Z' & one transition from 'Z' 3 - 0L->1H & 1H->0L & all 'Z' transitions -toggleportsonly Enable toggle statistics collection only for ports. -maxudprows n Max number of rows allowed in UDP tables for code coverage. -maxfecrows n Max number of input patterns allowed in FEC table for code coverage. -coverreportcancelled Report coverage items that have been optimized away. +define+[=] Same as compiler directive: `define macro_name macro_text -deglitchalways Make always_comb and always @* insensitive to variable glitches, potentially breaking zero delay oscillations among combinatorial always blocks. +delay_mode_distributed Use structural delays and ignore path delays +delay_mode_path Set structural delays to zero and use path delays +delay_mode_unit Set non-zero structural delays to one +delay_mode_zero Set structural delays to zero -dpiforceheader Force generation of dpi header file even when empty of function prototypes -dpiheader Save the generated declarations of SystemVerilog DPI tasks and functions into -E Write preprocessed Verilog and SystemVerilog into -Epretty Write pretty preprocessed Verilog and SystemVerilog into -Edebug Write debugable preprocessed Verilog and SystemVerilog into -enumfirstinit Initialize an enum using its first elem. -f Specify a file containing more command line arguments -nofsmresettrans Disable recognition of implicit asynchronous reset transitions for FSMs -fsmresettrans Enable recognition of implicit asynchronous reset transitions for FSMs -nofsmsingle Disable recognition FSMs having single bit current state variable -fsmsingle Enable recognition FSMs having single bit current state variable -fsmimplicittrans Enable recognition of implicit transitions in FSMs -nofsmimplicittrans Disable recognition of implicit transitions in FSMs -fsmmultitrans Enable recognition of Multi-state transitions in FSMs -fsmverbose [b|t|w] Provides information about FSMs recognized, including state reachability analysis. There are three detail levels that can be set with this option. b (displays only basic information) t (displays a transition table in addition to the basic information) w (displays any warning messages in addition to the basic information) If no character is specified, btw is the default. -nofsmxassign Disable recognition of FSMs containing x assignment -fsmxassign Enable recognition of FSMs containing x assignment -gen_xml Output (into a file) the interface definition of the specified design unit in XML format -hazards Enable run-time hazard checking code +incdir+ Search directory for files included with `include "filename" -incr Enable incremental compilation +initmem[=][+0|1|X|Z] Initialize fixed-size arrays of type indicated by . +initreg[=][+0|1|X|Z] Initialize variables of type indicated by . Valid values of are: r (4-state integral types) b (2-state integral types) e (enum types) u (udp types) If no is given, all these types are enabled. If 0|1|X|Z is specified, all the bits in the variable are intialized to that value. Otherwise, these variables are prepared for randomization during vsim. -L Search library for design units needed when optimizing -Lf Same as -L, but libraries are searched before `uselib -l Write compilation log to +libext+ Specify suffix of files in library directory -libmap Specify Verilog 2001 library map file -libmap_verbose Display library map pattern matching information during compilation +librescan Scan libraries in command line order for all unresolved module references -line Specify a starting line number -lint Perform lint-style checks -lowercasepragma Allow only lower case pragmas -lowercasepslpragma Allow only lower case PSL pragmas -lrmclassinit Use LRM-compliant class property initialization ordering -modelsimini Specify path to the modelsim.ini file. +maxdelays Use maximum timing from min:typ:max expressions -mfcu Multi-file compilation unit, all files in command line make up a compilation unit. The default is to have each file be a separate compilation unit +mindelays Use minimum timing from min:typ:max expressions -mixedansiports Enables mixing of ANSI-style and non-ANSI-style declarations -nocheck Disable run-time range and index checks -nodebug[=ports][=pli][=ports+pli] Do not put symbolic debugging information into the library -nodbgsym Do not generate symbols debugging database -noincr Disable incremental compile previously turned on with -incr +nolibcell Do not automatically define library modules as cells(default) +libcell Define library modules (found with -v|-y search) as cells -nologo Disable startup banner -nopsl Disable embedded PSL language parsing -novopt Do not run the "vopt" compiler before simulation +nospecify Disable specify path delays and timing checks +notimingchecks Disable timing checks -nowarn Disable specified category of warning messages; verror 1907 to see them +nowarn Disable specified warning message -noconstimmedassert Do not show constant immediate assertions in GUI/UCDB/reports etc. -O0 Disable optimizations -O1 Enable some optimizations -O4 Enable most optimizations (default) -O5 Enable additional compiler optimizations -pedanticerrors Enforce strict language checks -permissive Relax some language error checks to warnings. -printinfilenames Print path names for all source files opened during compilation. +protect[=] Enable use of `protect...`endprotect compiler directives -pslext Enable PSL LTL/Universal operators -pslfile Compile and bind PSL vunits specified by -quiet Disable 'Loading' messages -R [] Cause vsim to be invoked with and top-level modules; simargs consists of the rest of the arguments or until a single-character dash is encountered - Indicate end of optional -R -refresh Refresh the library image from .dat file(s) -scdpiheader Save the generated declarations of SystemVerilog SystemC DPI tasks and functions into -sfcu Single-file compilation unit (default), each file in command line is a separate compilation unit -skipprotected Ignore protected regions -skipprotectedmodule Ignore modules containing protected regions -source Print the source line with error messages -sv Enable SystemVerilog features and keywords -sv05compat Ensure compatibility with IEEE standard 1800-2005 -sv09compat Ensure compatibility with IEEE standard 1800-2009 -oldsv Enable selected constructs no longer supported by the SystemVerilog standard -svinputport=net|var|relaxed Select the default kind for an input port that is declared with a type, but without the var keyword. Select 'net' for strict LRM compliance, where the kind always defaults to wire. Select 'var' for non-compliant behavior, where the kind always defaults to var. The default is 'relaxed', where only a type that is a 4-state scalar or 4-state single dimension vector type defaults to wire. -timescale Specify the default timescale for modules not having an explicit timescale. The format of is the same as that of the `timescale directive. For example, -timescale "1 ns / 1 ps". -override_timescale Override the timescale specified in the source code. +typdelays Use typical timing from min:typ:max expressions -u Convert regular Verilog identifiers to uppercase -v Specify Verilog source library file -vlog95compat Ensure compatibility with Std 1364-1995 -vlog01compat Ensure compatibility with Std 1364-2001 -convertallparams Enables converting parameters not defined in ANSI style to VHDL generics of type std_logic_vector, bit_vector, std_logic and bit. -mixedsvvh [b | s | v] [packedstruct] Facilitates using a SV packages at the SV-VHDL mixed-language boundary. b - treat scalars/vectors in package as bit/bit_vector s - treat scalars/vectors in package as std_logic/std_logic_vector v - treat scalars/vectors in package as vl_logic/vl_logic_vector packedstruct - treat packed structures as VHDL arrays of equivalent size -vopt Run the "vopt" compiler before simulation -y Specify Verilog source library directory -vmake Collects complete list of command line args and files processed for use by vmake. -writetoplevels Writes complete list of toplevels into (also includes the name specified with -cuname). The file can be used with vopt command's -f switch. | — You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub , or mute the thread .