I was facing the error: "ERROR: [Synth 8-439] module 'xpm_memory_spram' not found [/home/tmp/hero/hardware/working_dir/tech_cells_generic/src/fpga/tc_sram_xilinx.sv:92]" when I tried to do the synthesis (generating bitstream). The synthesis was running on Vivado/Vitis 2022.1, Questa Sim-64 vsim 2020.3_2. I'm confused, since xpm_memory_spram is a parameterized macro in libraries, how can it be unrecognized?
Does this have anything to do with the version of Vivado or it has other solutions for that?
I was facing the error: "ERROR: [Synth 8-439] module 'xpm_memory_spram' not found [/home/tmp/hero/hardware/working_dir/tech_cells_generic/src/fpga/tc_sram_xilinx.sv:92]" when I tried to do the synthesis (generating bitstream). The synthesis was running on Vivado/Vitis 2022.1, Questa Sim-64 vsim 2020.3_2. I'm confused, since xpm_memory_spram is a parameterized macro in libraries, how can it be unrecognized?
Does this have anything to do with the version of Vivado or it has other solutions for that?