pulp-platform / pulpissimo

This is the top-level project for the PULPissimo Platform. It instantiates a PULPissimo open-source system with a PULP SoC domain, but no cluster.
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Pulpissimo `make clean build` fails with QuestaSim #71

Closed dynex817 closed 3 years ago

dynex817 commented 5 years ago

Hi all,

I built the toolchain using ./configure --prefix=/scratch.local/co96niro/pulpissimo/prefix --with-arch=rv32imc --with-cmodel=medlow --enable-multilib

So, when I now try to build the Pulpissimo repo with make clean build as stated in the read me, I get the following error:

QuestaSim-64 vmap 10.6_1 Lib Mapping Utility 2017.01 Jan 30 2017
vmap vip_lib /storage/userA/pulpissimo/pulpissimo/install/modelsim_libs/vip_lib
Modifying modelsim.ini
QuestaSim-64 vmap 10.6_1 Lib Mapping Utility 2017.01 Jan 30 2017
vmap pulpissimo_lib /storage/userA/pulpissimo/pulpissimo/install/modelsim_libs/pulpissimo_lib
Modifying modelsim.ini
  Building L2_tcdm_hybrid_interco/soc_interconnect
  Building adv_dbg_if/adv_dbg_if
  Building apb2per/apb2per
  Building apb_adv_timer/apb_adv_timer
  Building apb_fll_if/apb_fll_if
  Building apb_gpio/apb_gpio
  Building apb_node/apb_node
  Building apb_interrupt_cntrl/apb_interrupt_cntrl
  Building axi_node/axi_node
  Building axi_slice/axi_slice
  Building axi_slice_dc/axi_slice_dc
  Building axi_mem_if/axi_mem_if
  Building timer_unit/timer_unit
  Building common_cells/common_cells_all
** Error: ../ips/common_cells/src/id_queue.sv(268): Questa has encountered an unexpected internal error: ../../src/vlog/vgentd.c(578). Please contact Questa support at http://supportnet.mentor.com/
** Error: ../ips/common_cells/src/id_queue.sv(268): Questa has encountered an unexpected internal error: ../../src/vlog/vgentd.c(580). Please contact Questa support at http://supportnet.mentor.com/
** Error: ../ips/common_cells/src/id_queue.sv(268): Questa has encountered an unexpected internal error: ../../src/vlog/vgentd.c(580). Please contact Questa support at http://supportnet.mentor.com/
** Error: ../ips/common_cells/src/id_queue.sv(268): Questa has encountered an unexpected internal error: ../../src/vlog/vgentd.c(580). Please contact Questa support at http://supportnet.mentor.com/
** Error: ../ips/common_cells/src/id_queue.sv(268): Questa has encountered an unexpected internal error: ../../src/vlog/vgentd.c(580). Please contact Questa support at http://supportnet.mentor.com/
make[3]: *** [/storage/userA/pulpissimo/pulpissimo/install/modelsim_libs/common_cells_lib/common_cells_all.vmake] Error 2
make[2]: *** [build] Error 2
make[1]: *** [build] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/storage/userA/pulpissimo/pulpissimo/sim'
make: *** [build] Error 2

My vsim Version is "Questa Sim-64 vsim 10.6_1 Simulator"

What am I doing wrong? Or might it be the Questa Sim version?

Actually, when I try to comment out the _idqueue module contents, the build finishes. However, my simulation of the Hello program yields

# [STDOUT-CL31_PE0] Hello !
# [TB] 11521501ns - Received status core: 0x00000000
# ** Note: $stop    : /storage/userA/pulpissimo/pulpissimo/sim/../rtl/tb/tb_pulp.sv(782)
#    Time: 11521501 ns  Iteration: 0  Instance: :tb_pulp
# Break at /storage/userA/pulpissimo/pulpissimo/sim/../rtl/tb/tb_pulp.sv line 782
# Stopped at /storage/userA/pulpissimo/pulpissimo/sim/../rtl/tb/tb_pulp.sv line 782
# ** Error: (vish-4014) No objects found matching 'sim:/tb_pulp/exit_status'.

Thanks in advance.

dynex817 commented 5 years ago

Now we got what was causing Questa Sim 10.6_1 to crash with id_queue.sv.

With the changes of

linked_data_d[head_tail_q[match_idx].head][0] = 1'b1;


linked_data_d[head_tail_q[match_idx].head].free = 1'b1;


linked_data_q[i][0] <= 1'b1;


linked_data_q[i].free <= 1'b1;

Questa Sim compiles the queue just fine.

So with the given minimal example

module foo
    parameter type data_t   = logic


   typedef struct packed {
      data_t evil;
   } evil_struct;

   evil_struct x;

   always_comb begin
      // Access per Index crashes QuestaSim 10.6_1
      x[0] = 1'b1;
endmodule // foo

it becomes clear that accessing an instantiated struct by index crashes Questa Sim while access by name does not. This only happens if the accessed element is defined as a parameter.

The build works now, but the simulation yields the same exit_status error.

bluewww commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the find! I will coordinate with the guys maintaining common_cells to get a fix out (that hopefully doesnt break other tools).

Atm I cant reproduce the exit_status error.

bennett78 commented 4 years ago

The above change works with $ vlog id_queue.sv Model Technology ModelSim - Intel FPGA Edition vlog 2020.1 Compiler 2020.02 Feb 28 2020 here is a diff

diff --git a/src/id_queue.sv b/src/id_queue.sv
index c432af4..61fdb31 100644
--- a/src/id_queue.sv
+++ b/src/id_queue.sv
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ module id_queue #(
                 if (oup_pop_i) begin
                     // Set free bit of linked data entry, all other bits are don't care.
                     linked_data_d[head_tail_q[match_idx].head]      = 'x;
-                    linked_data_d[head_tail_q[match_idx].head][0]   = 1'b1;
+                    linked_data_d[head_tail_q[match_idx].head].free = 1'b1;
                     if (head_tail_q[match_idx].head == head_tail_q[match_idx].tail) begin
                         head_tail_d[match_idx] = '{free: 1'b1, default: 'x};
                     end else begin
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ module id_queue #(
                 head_tail_q[i]      <= '{free: 1'b1, default: 'x};
                 // Set free bit of linked data entries, all other bits are don't care.
                 linked_data_q[i]    <= 'x;
-                linked_data_q[i][0] <= 1'b1;
+                linked_data_q[i].free <= 1'b1;
             end else begin
                 head_tail_q[i]      <= head_tail_d[i];
                 linked_data_q[i]    <= linked_data_d[i];

but 2020.1 doesn't have an "opt" function for

$ make opt
Error: cannot find "/s/opt/Altera/intelFPGA_pro/modelsim_ase/bin/../linux/vopt"
child process exited abnormally
    while executing
"exec >@stdout vopt +acc=mnpr -o vopt_tb tb_pulp -floatparameters+tb_pulp -L /s/opt/riscv/verilog/pulp-platform/pulpissimo/sim/modelsim_libs/L2_tcdm_hy..."
    ("eval" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"eval exec >@stdout vopt +acc=mnpr -o vopt_tb tb_pulp -floatparameters+tb_pulp  $VSIM_IP_LIBS $VSIM_RTL_LIBS -work work "
    invoked from within
"if {[info exists ::env(VSIM_PATH)]} {
    #eval exec >@stdout vopt +acc=mnpr -o vopt_tb tb_pulp -floatparameters+tb_pulp -Ldir $::env(VSIM_PATH)/model..."
    (file "/s/opt/riscv/verilog/pulp-platform/pulpissimo/sim//tcl_files/rtl_vopt.tcl" line 26)
Makefile:37: recipe for target 'opt' failed
make: *** [opt] Error 1
bluewww commented 4 years ago

There should be a vopt binary somewhere, unless intel removed it. This is what I get QuestaSim-64 vopt 2020.1 Compiler 2020.01 Jan 28 2020.

Also I can't reproduce the error, vlog id_queue.v doesn't complain at all with 10.6, 10.7b or 2020.1. When you run dynex817's example withouth modifications, do you get this crash too?

bennett78 commented 4 years ago
On 4/23/20 10:51 AM, bluew wrote:

  There should be a vopt binary somewhere, unless
    intel removed it. This is what I get QuestaSim-64 vopt
      2020.1 Compiler 2020.01 Jan 28 2020.

Nope. vlog but no vopt....modelsim...not in intel distribution 20.1,
19.4...I will attempt to contact them. Is there a free version of
Mentor QuestaSim ?

fwb@fw:/s/tmp$ which vopt
fwb@fw:/s/tmp$ vopt -h
Error: cannot find

fwb@fw:/s/tmp$ which vlog
fwb@fw:/s/tmp$ vlog -h
Model Technology ModelSim - Intel FPGA Edition vlog 2020.1 Compiler
2020.02 Feb 28 2020
fwb@fw:/s/opt/Altera/intelFPGA_pro/modelsim_ase$ ll `find . -name
lrwxrwxrwx 1 fwb fwb 6 Apr 23 12:39 ./bin/vopt -> ../vco
fwb@fw:/s/opt/Altera/intelFPGA_pro/modelsim_ase$ ll `find . -name
-rwxr-xr-x 1 fwb fwb 21745016 Feb 28 12:17 ./linuxaloem/vlog
lrwxrwxrwx 1 fwb fwb        6 Apr 23 12:39 ./bin/vlog -> ../vco

fwb@fw:/s/tmp$ uname -a
Linux fw 4.15.0-48-generic #51-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 3 08:28:49 UTC
2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

  Also I can't reproduce the error, vlog id_queue.v
    doesn't complain at all with 10.6, 10.7b
    or 2020.1

which OS ?

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bluewww commented 4 years ago

I'm using Centos7 gnu/linux. I suspect that intel modelsim is actually a fork of when questasim was still called modelsim and thus doesn't get all the SystemVerilog updates.

What is the output of vsim -help | grep vopt? On 10.7b it looks like this to me:

vsim -help | grep vopt
   -nocoverage             Passed to vopt to turn off code coverage compile options
   -novopt                 Force incremental mode (pre-6.0 behavior)
                           (vopt -pdu) with an associated default SDF
   -vopt                   Run vopt optimization before elaborating the simulator
   -voptargs="<arglist>"   Pass the specified arguments to vopt
   -vopt_verbose           Display verbose informational messages
                           fixed-size arrays marked for randomization by vlog/vopt.
                           variables marked for randomization by vlog/vopt.
                           applying +initreg/+initmem options to vlog/vopt
   -no_autoacc             Prevents vsim from automatically passing the +acc switch to vopt.
FrancescoConti commented 4 years ago

Intel ModelSim is the same as Altera ModelSim (Altera was bought by Intel). It only supports a subset of functionality of the full version. I think vopt is removed as well as a lot of DPI related functionality.

I know some people have managed to make parts of PULPissimo to work with it (browse other issues and the forums at pulp-platform.org) but in general we do not support it.

bennett78 commented 4 years ago

Intel ModelSim is the same as Altera ModelSim (Altera was bought by Intel). It only supports a subset of functionality of the full version. I think vopt is removed as well as a lot of DPI related functionality.

I know some people have managed to make parts of PULPissimo to work with it (browse other issues and the forums at pulp-platform.org) but in general we do not support it.

Not sure why modelSim, quartus is referenced, only if the target is an Altera FPGA. I'm looking for a consistent process: RISC-V, FP32, (system)Verilog, minimum VHDL, XIlinx, Altera, Lattice FPGA, TSMC ASIC, open source, etc...maybe the README.md should mention a map, path, recommended tools to target(s) : HDL language, verification method, simulators, synthesis, target boards, git branches, etc

bennett78 commented 4 years ago

I'm using Centos7 gnu/linux. I suspect that intel modelsim is actually a fork of when questasim was still called modelsim and thus doesn't get all the SystemVerilog updates.

Centos is a build of a previous version Redhat. I prefer xUbuntu, LTS as more uptodate with new design efforts.

I tried to download a free questasim -> EDITOR REMOVED ???

What is the output of vsim -help | grep vopt? On 10.7b it looks like this to me:

vsim -help | grep vopt
   -nocoverage             Passed to vopt to turn off code coverage compile options
   -novopt                 Force incremental mode (pre-6.0 behavior)
                           (vopt -pdu) with an associated default SDF
   -vopt                   Run vopt optimization before elaborating the simulator
   -voptargs="<arglist>"   Pass the specified arguments to vopt
   -vopt_verbose           Display verbose informational messages
                           fixed-size arrays marked for randomization by vlog/vopt.
                           variables marked for randomization by vlog/vopt.
                           applying +initreg/+initmem options to vlog/vopt
   -no_autoacc             Prevents vsim from automatically passing the +acc switch to vopt.

EDIT BY @FrancescoConti : the link looked like it could be to a potential malware and/or pirate software website. Please refrain to linking such things; there is no legal "free QuestaSim".

bluewww commented 4 years ago

I think the FPGA section is quite complete in what boards PULPissimo runs on.

@MarekPikula ported PULPissimo to run with Quartus, but in general we don't support it because the Intel tools do not support SystemVerilog 2008 properly despite claiming to do so.

As for what concerns simulators the big three should work just fine, but currently we ony have questa and xcelium support in master. A lot of the IPs also work with verilator, but PULPissimo itself doesn't. I think its feasible to port it.

We did tape out versions of PULPissimo and PULP (similar codebases) in tsmc65, umcL65 and gf22 iirc.

bluewww commented 4 years ago

I'm using Centos7 gnu/linux. I suspect that intel modelsim is actually a fork of when questasim was still called modelsim and thus doesn't get all the SystemVerilog updates.

Centos is a build of a previous version Redhat. I prefer xUbuntu, LTS as more uptodate with new design efforts.

Centos7 is officially supported by most tool vendors, which is why we run it. We do also support ubuntu16 to some degree.

I tried to download a free questasim -> EDITOR REMOVED ???

Doesn't look like questasim. I don't know if there are any trial versions available.

EDIT BY @FrancescoConti : the link looked like it could be to a potential malware and/or pirate software website. Please refrain to linking such things; there is no legal "free QuestaSim".

FrancescoConti commented 4 years ago

Intel ModelSim is the same as Altera ModelSim (Altera was bought by Intel). It only supports a subset of functionality of the full version. I think vopt is removed as well as a lot of DPI related functionality. I know some people have managed to make parts of PULPissimo to work with it (browse other issues and the forums at pulp-platform.org) but in general we do not support it.

Not sure why modelSim, quartus is referenced, only if the target is an Altera FPGA.

I think the README is already clear on the matter of ModelSim support: https://github.com/pulp-platform/pulpissimo#requirements

I'm looking for a consistent process: RISC-V, FP32, (system)Verilog, minimum VHDL, XIlinx, Altera, Lattice FPGA, TSMC ASIC, open source, etc...maybe the README.md should mention a map, path, recommended tools to target(s) : HDL language, verification method, simulators, synthesis, target boards, git branches, etc

I have no idea what you are talking about by putting together "RISC-V, FP32, (system)Verilog, minimum VHDL, XIlinx, Altera, Lattice FPGA, TSMC ASIC, open source, etc".

In terms of targets, to compound @bluewww , we do not know all PULP-based tapeouts, because anyone can take the code and use it. The PULP/PULPissimo-based chips we know about have also been using TSMC 55nm (https://en.wikichip.org/wiki/greenwaves/gap8), ST 28nm FD-SOI (http://asic.ee.ethz.ch/2015/Pulpv3.html), GF 40nm (http://asic.ee.ethz.ch/2015/Honey_Bunny.html), and TMSC 40nm (http://asic.ee.ethz.ch/2017/Mr.Wolf.html). The code is synthesizable, so basically the only limit to this is your fantasy (and the depth of your pocket).