pulp / Pulp-2-Tests

:warning: ⛔️ Pulp2 is EOL as of November 30 2022, for more info visit this link https://pulpproject.org/2022/09/19/pulp-2-eol/. ⛔️ Functional tests for Pulp 2.
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Adding task information to output on assert failure #189

Closed bherrin3 closed 5 years ago

bherrin3 commented 5 years ago


Redmine issue 4795 noted a possible failure in this test if the polling interval to the Pulp2 API was too fast. This failure result caused invalid values to be populated in the task details causing this test to fail.

Change for Additional Troubleshooting

Adding the output of the tasks variable to the assert failure output to provide additional troubleshooting information. This will include the full details response and the task_id used in investigation.

Sample Improved Output

___________________________ SyncRpmRepoTestCase.test_no_change_in_second_sync ___________________________

self = <pulp_2_tests.tests.rpm.api_v2.test_sync_publish.SyncRpmRepoTestCase testMethod=test_no_change_in_second_sync>

    def test_no_change_in_second_sync(self):
        """Verify that syncing a second time has no changes.

        If the repository have not changed then Pulp must state that anything
        was changed when doing a second sync.
        report = sync_repo(self.cfg, self.repo)
        tasks = tuple(api.poll_spawned_tasks(self.cfg, report.json()))
        with self.subTest(comment='spawned tasks'):
            self.assertEqual(len(tasks), 1)
        for count_type in ('added_count', 'removed_count', 'updated_count'):
            with self.subTest(comment=count_type):
>               self.assertEqual(tasks[0]['result'][count_type], 0, tasks)
E               AssertionError: 8 != 0 : ({'exception': None, 'task_type': 'pulp.server.managers.repo.sync.sync', '_href': '/pulp/api/v2/tasks/145a83ed-6a9e-4333-aaee-5b65fc8ae94c/', 'task_id': '145a83ed-6a9e-4333-aaee-5b65fc8ae94c', 'tags': ['pulp:repository:bb6adde3-049f-4d62-aca4-16216c3a5065', 'pulp:action:sync'], 'finish_time': '2019-05-15T12:41:33Z', '_ns': 'task_status', 'start_time': '2019-05-15T12:41:26Z', 'traceback': None, 'spawned_tasks': [], 'progress_report': {'yum_importer': {'content': {'items_total': 0, 'state': 'FINISHED', 'error_details': [], 'details': {'rpm_total': 0, 'rpm_done': 0, 'drpm_total': 0, 'drpm_done': 0}, 'size_total': 0, 'size_left': 0, 'items_left': 0}, 'comps': {'state': 'FINISHED'}, 'purge_duplicates': {'state': 'FINISHED'}, 'distribution': {'items_total': 0, 'state': 'FINISHED', 'error_details': [], 'items_left': 0}, 'modules': {'state': 'FINISHED'}, 'errata': {'state': 'FINISHED'}, 'metadata': {'state': 'FINISHED'}}}, 'queue': 'reserved_resource_worker-0@rhel76-kersom.dq2', 'state': 'finished', 'worker_name': 'reserved_resource_worker-0@rhel76-kersom', 'result': {'result': 'success', 'importer_id': 'yum_importer', 'exception': None, 'repo_id': 'bb6adde3-049f-4d62-aca4-16216c3a5065', 'traceback': None, 'started': '2019-05-15T12:41:26Z', '_ns': 'repo_sync_results', 'completed': '2019-05-15T12:41:33Z', 'importer_type_id': 'yum_importer', 'error_message': None, 'summary': {'modules': {'state': 'FINISHED'}, 'content': {'state': 'FINISHED'}, 'comps': {'state': 'FINISHED'}, 'purge_duplicates': {'state': 'FINISHED'}, 'distribution': {'state': 'FINISHED'}, 'errata': {'state': 'FINISHED'}, 'metadata': {'state': 'FINISHED'}}, 'added_count': 8, 'removed_count': -8, 'updated_count': 0, 'id': '5cdc08fdb36cfb30a6ba9df3', 'details': {'modules': {'state': 'FINISHED'}, 'content': {'size_total': 0, 'items_left': 0, 'items_total': 0, 'state': 'FINISHED', 'size_left': 0, 'details': {'rpm_total': 0, 'rpm_done': 0, 'drpm_total': 0, 'drpm_done': 0}, 'error_details': []}, 'comps': {'state': 'FINISHED'}, 'purge_duplicates': {'state': 'FINISHED'}, 'distribution': {'items_total': 0, 'state': 'FINISHED', 'error_details': [], 'items_left': 0}, 'errata': {'state': 'FINISHED'}, 'metadata': {'state': 'FINISHED'}}}, 'error': None, '_id': {'$oid': '5cdc08f626f524775eff8d4c'}, 'id': '5cdc08f626f524775eff8d4c'},)

test_sync_publish.py:156: AssertionError
================================= 1 failed, 2 warnings in 17.02 seconds =================================


Linting Updates

Linters were updated from the time this commit work started.

Files added to PR to fix linting failures in TravisCI. Re-tested locally without failure:

Lint Changes