pulp / oci_env

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Set the nginx timeout value #125

Open decko opened 1 year ago

decko commented 1 year ago

When users want to change the gunicorn timeout, they can set the PULP_GUNICORN_TIMEOUT to a value of its choice. But this only works when you set it to a value less than 60 seconds. After that, the application doesn't increase its timeout.

The reason is that we need to set the same value to nginx itself, since it's a proxy between gunicorn and the client.

stbergmann commented 1 year ago

(What worked around it for me now is to do in an oci-env shell: Create /etc/nginx/pulp/timeout.conf containing

proxy_read_timeout 1d;
proxy_send_timeout 1d;

and then s6-svc -r /run/service/nginx.)