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Run Podman in such a way that it has access to system coredumps #133

Open dralley opened 9 months ago

dralley commented 9 months ago

I'm having an issue with createrepo_c 1.0 crashing with segmentation fault during tests. Unfortunately I can't really utilize the coredumps to debug.

The coredump appears when I run coredumpctl on my host machine, but my host machine doesn't have the debug symbols to make the dump useful.

The container on the other hand doesn't have the ability to access the coredump on the host.

There are guides like this for making it work

https://dev.to/mizutani/how-to-get-core-file-of-segmentation-fault-process-in-docker-22ii https://serverfault.com/questions/1143055/how-to-check-core-dump-inside-a-podman-container

The overall gist is that the container needs loosened security restrictions. Possibly this is something that we wouldn't want to enable all the time, but make it easy to enable when needed?