Describe the bug
When deleting a repository version that deletes a content that is added back in the subsequent version, but deleted again in a later version that deletion in the later version is lost.
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
set -eu
pulp file repository destroy --name test_delete_versions || true
pulp file repository create --name test_delete_versions
for NAME in "aaaa" "bbbb" "cccc" "dddd" "eeee" "ffff" "gggg" "hhhh" "jjjj"
echo "$NAME" > "$NAME"
pulp file content upload --relative-path "$NAME" --file "$NAME" || true
declare $NAME='{"sha256": "'"$(sha256sum --binary $NAME | cut -d" " -f1)"'", "relative_path": "'"$NAME"'"}'
pulp file repository content modify --repository test_delete_versions --add-content '['"$aaaa"', '"$bbbb"', '"$cccc"', '"$dddd"', '"$eeee"']'
pulp file repository content modify --repository test_delete_versions --remove-content '['"$bbbb"', '"$cccc"', '"$dddd"', '"$eeee"']' --add-content '['"$ffff"', '"$gggg"', '"$hhhh"', '"$jjjj"']'
pulp file repository content modify --repository test_delete_versions --remove-content '['"$gggg"', '"$jjjj"']' --add-content '['"$cccc"', '"$dddd"']'
pulp file repository content modify --repository test_delete_versions --remove-content '['"$dddd"', '"$hhhh"']' --add-content '['"$eeee"', '"$jjjj"']'
pulp file repository version list --repository test_delete_versions
# pulp file repository content list --repository test_delete_versions
pulp file repository version destroy --repository test_delete_versions --version 2
pulp file repository version list --repository test_delete_versions
if [ ! "$(pulp file repository content list --repository test_delete_versions --version 1 | jq -r '.[].relative_path' | sort)" = $'aaaa\nbbbb\ncccc\ndddd\neeee' ]
echo Version 1 is wrong.
if [ ! "$(pulp file repository content list --repository test_delete_versions --version 3 | jq -r '.[].relative_path' | sort)" = $'aaaa\ncccc\ndddd\nffff\nhhhh' ]
echo Version 3 is wrong.
if [ ! "$(pulp file repository content list --repository test_delete_versions --version 4 | jq -r '.[].relative_path' | sort)" = $'aaaa\ncccc\neeee\nffff\njjjj' ]
echo Version 4 is wrong.
Expected behavior
Content in the respository versions should not change.
Also observe that the content counts for repository version 4 are correct for what that version should contain. They differ from what it actually contains.
Version pulpcore 3.18
Describe the bug When deleting a repository version that deletes a content that is added back in the subsequent version, but deleted again in a later version that deletion in the later version is lost.
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Expected behavior Content in the respository versions should not change.
Additional context