puls / objc-codegenutils

Three small tools to help you meet Xcode halfway.
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Support All ColorSpace. #3

Closed AknEp closed 10 years ago

AknEp commented 10 years ago

I met problem my colorSpace is NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace

puls commented 10 years ago

I'd rather not, as this may lead to unexpected results. Why not just keep everything simple and convert your color palettes to device RGB?

AknEp commented 10 years ago

How to convert pallets to device RGB? "Keep simple" is right. but I think it's foggy for users how to solve this problem; this tool should print warning message & solution.

AknEp commented 10 years ago

Could you tell me, please?

guillaumealgis commented 10 years ago

I played several hours with Apple's NSColorList to convert a given color palette to device RGB, but it doesn't seems to work. The colors are converted to the right color space, but once written to disk with writeToFile:, "Generic RGB" is used.

If you want to take a look at my code, I put it there https://github.com/guillaume-algis/ColorPaletteConverter.