pulsar-edit / pulsar

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Testing superstring in CI, 3rd edition #1049

Closed DeeDeeG closed 2 months ago

DeeDeeG commented 2 months ago

This is just a test...

Basically this is branched from https://github.com/pulsar-edit/pulsar/pull/1048, but reverting to the same SHA of superstring as we are using on master, just delivered in a different way from master. Delivered as a git repo URL (which behaves differently, a local clone into a temp dir + cd there and yarn install (with devDependencies and all, potentially running different lifecycle scripts) then copy the result out to node_modules, vs fetching a tarball, extracting into node_modules and installing in-situ.)

See the commit message of this commit: https://github.com/pulsar-edit/pulsar/pull/1049/commits/02e2908a1ae25a379fc59ac922b34fe5c0f6ae3f

deps: Try testing the last upstream superstring release (2.4.4) as a git repo URL

Just controlling some variables...
DeeDeeG commented 2 months ago

Closing this "test" PR. See https://github.com/pulsar-edit/pulsar/pull/1051 for the solution that was eventually arrived at.