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Tree-sitter rolling fixes: 1.121 edition #1085

Closed savetheclocktower closed 1 week ago

savetheclocktower commented 1 month ago

This one starts off big — a sizable diff that probably overstates the scope of the underlying refactor.

Indentation logic is complex. It's not as complex as it seems, but it's still pretty complex, and I haven't exactly helped the issue because I haven't found an intuitive way to explain it. The first commit in this PR represents the beginning of an effort to demystify indentation queries and make them easier for others to reason about.

The main initial benefit is that indentation logic is now encapsulated in its own IndentResolver class. Unlike FoldResolver — a different instance of which exists for each LanguageLayer — a WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode instance has a single instance of IndentResolver. That's because the logic of indentation hinting crosses LanguageLayers; we don't gain anything by subdividing the labor further.

But the encapsulation itself is useful. It lets us write new methods to reduce repetition without increasing the API surface of WASMTreeSitterLanguageMode.

There are two other ideas that I've added in the process:

About @match.next

The impetus for @match.next was this example:

function foo() {
  let event = initializeCustomEvent(0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 'event', null, null,
  return event;

This is a contrived example, but the idea is that a user should be able to insert whatever sort of hanging indent they want when they're spreading a statement over multiple lines. Since we have Tree-sitter, we should be able to understand that line 4 shouldn't keep the deep indentation of line 3; it should match the indentation level of line 2!

I didn't think about this until a user reported an issue with hanging indents in C. I came up with a fix that's most of the way to what I want, but it uses a @match capture, so operates in the second phase of indentation hinting — the phase that considers the content on the current line. For this reason, it doesn't let us correct the indentation until after the user starts typing.

With @match.next, that fix looks a bit different:

  ] @match.next
  (#is? indent.matchesComparisonRow endPosition)
  (#set! indent.matchIndentOf startPosition)

I'm still playing around with this, and I'm only 96% sure it's a good idea. But this could be expressed as follows: “the presence of expression_statement on row X-1 suggests that row X should start with the same level of indentation as that of the row where expression_statement started.” (Also true for return_statement and all other node types within the square brackets.)

Hence in the example above:

  1. The user is typing the end of line 3 and presses return.
  2. Line 3 represents the end of an expression_statement, so it produces a @match.next capture.
  3. Under certain circumstances, we could reject that capture; for instance, if the expression_statement didn't end on row 3. But the indent.matchesComparisonRow test passes, so we proceed.
  4. suggestedIndentForBufferRow interprets the @match.next capture by using the indent.matchIndentOf predicate to figure out which line's indentation should be copied. In this case, it uses startPosition — i.e., the starting position of the expression_statement node.
  5. The cursor starts out at one level of indentation because that's what we had on line 2.

I still sense that I'm not explaining this well enough. I'm not certain that these captures have the right names; one further advantage of the IndentResolver encapsulation is that it would make it a bit easier to introduce new aliases for these captures and predicates while preserving backward compatibility. (For instance, indent.matchIndentOf is now aliased to the terser indent.match, and indent.offsetIndent is aliased to indent.offset.)

Another reason to introduce this new encapsulation is to give us a place to hang new indentation-specific query tests. In order to implement what I described above, I needed a way to introduce the concepts of “current row” and “comparison row” to query tests, and those are indentation-specific ideas. (The current row is the row whose suggested indentation we're determining; the comparison row is the one we're using as reference; typically it's the row just above the current row, but we tend to skip over whitespace-only rows.)

Anyway, if any of this doesn't make sense, and you want to understand it better, please ask! In the process of answering your questions I hope I find ways to make this subject less intimidating.

In other news: a fix I made for tree-sitter-css months ago has been accepted, so I've also bumped our tree-sitter-css to the latest release.


savetheclocktower commented 1 month ago

I should add that the new indentation functionality doesn't have any tests yet, but neither does it change how existing stuff behaves, so I expect all tests to pass. If I don't manage to write tests for this stuff in the next three weeks, I might take some small steps to hide the new functionality, or at least mark it as obviously experimental and not something that should be relied upon.

(Update: we now have a spec for @match.next, so I consider this stuff to be stable enough to ship. At this point, any further changes that I make to how @match.next behaves can be done in a backwards-compatible way; so all that's left to do is document it, which I plan to do soon.)

savetheclocktower commented 3 weeks ago

Just bumped our web-tree-sitter to 0.23.0. This is a big bump and I'd been putting it off because of disruptive changes to the Tree-sitter ecosystem; but the short version is that everything's cool.

Immediately after I bumped web-tree-sitter locally, I reloaded my Pulsar window and found that everything was heartbreakingly slow. Profiling had me chase down a couple of red herrings before I discovered that the problem had to do with API changes in web-tree-sitter. This happened a while back for a good reason: the desire to eliminate differences between the web-tree-sitter API and the node-tree-sitter API.

The slowness had to do with the fact that every query against the tree was accidentally being executed against the entire tree rather than against the specified range. (Even this was fast on the web-tree-sitter side; the slowness happened in our post-processing phase, the one in which we iterate through all the captures.) Once I updated our usages of Query#captures to use its new signature, the problem went away. (One of the red herrings was still a good idea: a hot code path was allocating lots of unnecessary arrays, so I rewrote it to use a different approach.)

We can monkeypatch Query#captures to work with both the old function signature and the new one, so that's exactly what I did. The purpose is not so much to save us from rewriting our usages (since I've done that; it's in this PR) but to save the editor from throwing an error if a community package expects the old function signature. (On that note, I've also updated tree-sitter-tools to be more defensive and work equally well with the old API and the new API.) We'll issue a deprecation warning if the old function signature is detected.

Everything went well locally, including specs, so I'll watch the CI carefully just in case there's something really obscure that regressed.

savetheclocktower commented 2 weeks ago

Enough last-minute changes; time to take this out of draft so that I stop clipping at the edges like it's a bonsai tree.

savetheclocktower commented 2 weeks ago

Just kidding! I ran into a strange WASM memory error when working on an EJS document, and I couldn't figure out why it was happening, so eventually I decided “might as well update the relevant Tree-sitter parsers” and that solved it.

Along the way I discovered another subtle bug, so that's also been dealt with.