pulsejet / banner-warn

Show avatars in roundcube message list with warnings
MIT License
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Plugin name confusion when installing with composer #12

Open valarauco opened 3 months ago

valarauco commented 3 months ago

Hi! Thank you for this awesome plugin!

I have recently switched the installation of this plugin to use composer instead of "manual" method. I ran composer require radialapps/banner-warn, as indicated in README and Packagist. My composer.json has this line

        "radialapps/banner-warn": "^1.2",

But when the plugin is installed, it's located under plugins/banner_warn/ and yet configuration stays banner-warn. Also, main plugin's file is named banner_warn.php which conflicts with banner-warn naming. This results in an error from RC trying to load the plugin.

pulsejet commented 3 months ago

Hmm, it's not supposed to matter AFAIK. As long as your config looks something like this

$config['plugins'] = [

Maybe something changed upstream ...

valarauco commented 3 months ago

No, after running composer, config file is set to:

$config['plugins'] = [

I have to manually rewrite it with the underscore. It could be something with composer but not sure, I'm not expert on composer nor PHP.