pulsejet / memories

Fast, modern and advanced photo management suite. Runs as a Nextcloud app.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Pinned date does not appear when going to the middle of a bunch of photos #1125

Closed AiroPi closed 1 month ago

AiroPi commented 1 month ago

This follows #1116.

Describe the bug When we click in the scroll bar in the middle of a bunch of photos from the same date, the pinned date doesn't appear. We need to scroll until the timeline load the date element.

To Reproduce


pulsejet commented 1 month ago

I can't reproduce this. Does it happen under some specific circumstances? E.g. the top pinned date is (intentionally) hidden when there's only one row in the day you're looking at.

AiroPi commented 1 month ago

Imagine we have a lot of photos from the 26/04/2019 (enough to fill the whole screen and enough for memories to not load the photos of the next date or the previous date) While we are not near to the "top of the date" (where the date is actually present without pin), the date doesn't appear on top of the screen (I guess the element isn't loaded because it shouldn't appear while it is not "near to be showed on screen").

AiroPi commented 1 month ago

Here is a little video showing this. The date only appear when we are a few rows before where the date is normally present. (Here it appears almost instantly, but where there is more rows above, the date don't appear until we are a few rows from the date)


edit: it also occurs when we scroll from the bottom to the top.
