pulsejet / memories

Fast, modern and advanced photo management suite. Runs as a Nextcloud app.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
2.82k stars 76 forks source link

Have Disabling Memories for Certain Users Effect Indexing #1132

Closed keesfluitman closed 1 month ago

keesfluitman commented 1 month ago

I disable memories at the moment for all users except myself or people that might use it. I don't have that many users anyway. But most don't use memories.

Yet I still get errors related to Memories. For instance, even if disabled for certain users. With my fix indexing Folder, I get floaded logs:

The specified folder /Media/Pictures does not exist for fcfc3sdb-9fff-4ca3-sd3b-79fac27d51a1

I've added the folder to the skeleton now. But it still pops up for old users.