pulsejet / memories

Fast, modern and advanced photo management suite. Runs as a Nextcloud app.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Unable to download a photo from memories to my phone #1155

Open yurividal opened 3 weeks ago

yurividal commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug I cam browse and upload images to my memories just fine. But, when I click "download" on any image, nothing happens. The image is not downloaded to my phone, and no error or warning message is shown on the app.

Clicking the "share" button, shows a loading animation forever. Nothing happens.

I also noticed that if I go to the app settings, under notifications, it says "all notifications from this app are blocked" and doesn't allow me to change it to on. Not sire if this is related.

To Reproduce Check video screenshot bellow:




Here is some adb logs i collected. (Seems to be a permission thing? maybe old target sdk?)

04-22 07:26:53.892 12459 13019 W DownloadManager: Path appears to be invalid: /storage/emulated/0/Download/memories/file_name.jpg
04-22 07:26:53.960 12459 21423 W DownloadManager: [105] Stop requested with status HTTP_DATA_ERROR: java.security.cert.CertPathValidatorException: Trust anchor for certification path not found.
04-22 07:26:53.961 12459 21423 D DownloadManager: [105] Finished with status WAITING_TO_RETRY
04-22 07:26:53.961 12459 21423 V DownloadManager: MIME Type = null
04-22 07:26:53.971 12459 21423 I DownloadManager: Download 105 finished with status WAITING_TO_RETRY
04-22 07:26:53.971 12459 13401 I DownloadManager: Notification Clear Download 1:gallery.memories
04-22 07:26:53.973  2504  2504 D NotificationService: CancelNotificationRunnable end r = 0|com.android.providers.downloads|0|1:gallery.memories|10066, reason = 8
04-22 07:26:53.974 12459 12459 D DownloadManager: onStopJob id=105, reason=cancel() called by app, callingUid=10066 uid=10066 jobId=105
04-22 07:26:53.976  2504  7506 W JobScheduler: Job didn't exist in JobStore: f40f242 #u0a66/105 DownloadManager:com.android.providers.downloads

Edit: I am running nextcloud in my internal lan, with a self-signed certificate. Could that be the issue?

04-22 07:36:40.978 12459 24798 W DownloadManager: [106] Stop requested with status HTTP_DATA_ERROR: java.security.cert.CertPathValidatorException: Trust anchor for certification path not found.
yurividal commented 3 weeks ago

edit: i've edited the report to add some adb logs i collected

yurividal commented 3 weeks ago

@pulsejet I am convinced this is being caused by the self-signed cert. Downloadmanager seems to be rejecting the untrusted CA, even though I have the CA cert installed as a trusted chain.

pulsejet commented 3 weeks ago

Yeah, that's very likely