pulsejet / memories

Fast, modern and advanced photo management suite. Runs as a Nextcloud app.
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Ability to move selected faces to NEW cluster #117

Closed illnesse closed 1 year ago

illnesse commented 1 year ago

Like #78 but create a new cluster (maybe ask user for name?)

pulsejet commented 1 year ago

Not sure this is possible without messing with the recognize table ...

illnesse commented 1 year ago

probably not, but i guess you could simply add an entry to oc_recognize_face_clusters and add the id to the selected faces, doesn't seem like a drastic change 🤷🏻‍♂️

pulsejet commented 1 year ago

The problem will arise if recognize decides to change their internal data structure for some reason. The better solution would be to add explicit support for this there.

rhatguy commented 1 year ago

I have this exact issue and it creates an interesting problem. I have faces from person1 and person2 in the same currently unnamed cluster. I can't create the person1 name without moving person2 into person1s name right now. I suppose the only way around this right now is to go ahead and name the cluster for person1, then go back into the person1 cluster and remove person2 from the cluster. Seems like the ability to create a NEW name from selected people from an existing cluster will be a big deal in the long term.

phil-lipp commented 1 year ago

As the recognize app is becoming more mature and face classification is progressing through my photo library, I feel the need to bump this issue. I have a lot of cases where 2 or 3 similar looking people are in one single cluster and none of them have their own cluster yet. On one hand this means that if every photo of these individuals gets put into that one cluster, I'll never be able to separate them. On the other hand this scenario is becoming more and more likely as the face recognition is learning from existing clusters.

And on a side note: IMO Memories is 'carrying' recognize along with it as (from my experience) managing the clusters in the Photos app is a nightmare...so thanks for your work @pulsejet !

pulsejet commented 1 year ago

I don't know the internals of recognize, so I don't know if this might disrupt something about the clustering process. @marcelklehr wonder if you have any thoughts? Also I believe this needs to be implemented as part of the recognize WebDAV API (I guess here) so memories doesn't touch recognize internals.

phil-lipp commented 1 year ago

Since recognize supports the creation of new clusters now, would a implementation as described here be feasible for you @pulsejet ?

EVOTk commented 1 year ago

I am looking forward to it. Do you know when it will be possible? Thank you

pulsejet commented 1 year ago

The relevant support in recognize is already merged but we're still waiting for a new stable release there.

EVOTk commented 1 year ago

Okay, thx for prompt reply

luxzg commented 1 year ago

The relevant support in recognize is already merged but we're still waiting for a new stable release there.

But that was released already (?) https://github.com/nextcloud/recognize/issues/603#issuecomment-1491958062

Or am I reading something wrong?

EVOTk commented 1 year ago

merged after recognize v3.7.0 We have to wait for the next version of recognize :(

luxzg commented 1 year ago

Ah, I was mistaken, as it was same day. I'll ask there then :)

EVOTk commented 1 year ago

Reognize v3.8.0 and v4.0.1 available :D

luxzg commented 1 year ago

Thanks for adding this! Due to breaking change, I assume we will be waiting for something like 6.0 release? Looking forward to it! :)

pulsejet commented 1 year ago

It'll just be 5.1, since it's only a minor upgrade to recognize :)

EVOTk commented 1 year ago

I can't wait 😁🤣

luxzg commented 1 year ago

Wait is over! Thank you pulse! 🥇

pulsejet commented 1 year ago

Now to hope it actually works 😆

luxzg commented 1 year ago

Now to hope it actually works 😆

Can confirm it works, tested on just one person but if it works on one it should work always :)

I've selected 14 photos, ... Menu, move to person, big "+" icon that's first in people list (new!!), added name, and confirmed I want to move to that new name. Done!

Thanks a million, now I have a lot of work to do to sort so many people ;D

EVOTk commented 1 year ago

It works very well :) You are my hero :D

RikkiBC commented 1 year ago

Came to find this. Saw this ticket months ago but didn't realise it was back on the cards recently. Upgraded Recognize a day or two ago, and Memories today, and it works, smooth as silk (so far haha)!

A big +1 from this Nextcloud AIO on ARM user here 🙂

jtrees commented 1 year ago

Came here to say thank you! Works for me.