pult / SuperObject.Delphi

Pascal (Delphi, FPC) json parser library SuperObject
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Support for JSON object bigger than Max(Integer) #9

Open tuncbahceciogluBentley opened 5 months ago

tuncbahceciogluBentley commented 5 months ago

Since the size of the json string is stored in an integer JSON object cannot support big data. It would be better to use NativeInt as it is used as the size type in the latest Delphi versions.

See the definition of TSuperArray member FSize: https://github.com/pult/SuperObject.Delphi/blob/6c886fec89fbc32d1aaa95ea7d4ccd3650c2256b/Lib/superobject.pas#L526

TSuperArray = class({+}TInterfacedObject{+.}, ISuperArray)
    FArray: PSuperObjectArray;
    FLength: Integer;
    FSize: Integer;
pult commented 5 months ago

Yes, it is important...