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Add slack notifications to demos #20

Open EvanBoyle opened 1 year ago

EvanBoyle commented 1 year ago

The drift detection and ttl stack demos could really benefit from slack integration. Slack notifications especially when the drift detection check fails would be really great.

This example has some sample code we can draw from: https://github.com/pulumi/examples/blob/master/aws-ts-pulumi-webhooks/index.ts#L80-L91

ericrudder commented 3 months ago

@lukehoban just a reminder that we spoke about other "notifications" with partners (e.g. pagerduty) in addition to the competitive set w. TF (https://www.hashicorp.com/campaign/drift-detection-for-terraform-cloud) ... i actually didn't realize that email was one of their channels!

i didn't see a general work item (not in /d-demos) to migrate this comment, however, probably best to create a "notification epic" of sorts, since it's fine for this stuff to trickle out gracefully ...