pulumi / examples

Infrastructure, containers, and serverless apps to AWS, Azure, GCP, and Kubernetes... all deployed with Pulumi
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EKS examples outdated and broken #1622

Open kennethlynne opened 3 months ago

kennethlynne commented 3 months ago


I must express my disappointment with the current state of the EKS documentation and examples, and the overall approach to AWS resources. Navigating the complexities of AWS, AWSX, and AWS Classic and EKS becomes particularly challenging with examples that are outdated by half a decade and no longer functional. This is compounded by the use of Pulumi AI, which seems to suggest solutions that are unworkable.

The decision to provide three inadequately documented methodologies for implementation, alongside obsolete minimalistic "hello world" examples and inconsistent API versions (such as NodeGroup vs. NodeGroupV2), is baffling. Should a new user use aws.eks, eks, aws-native eks etc? Attempting to run these examples often results in an inability to access the Kubernetes cluster via kubectl, primarily due to missing IAM mappings. This issue is a significant barrier to progress, especially when many changes necessitate a complete reconfiguration, leading to feedback loops that extend beyond 15 minutes.

A single, well-documented example that is semi-production ready and functions seamlessly with a proper IAM setup would be invaluable. Such a resource would far surpass the utility of the numerous outdated "hello world" examples that are currently available.

If I still have any hair left and I eventually figure out this mess I will share my working example.


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aaronkao commented 3 months ago

Did you try this template? https://www.pulumi.com/templates/kubernetes/aws/ If so, is this what you ran into an issue with?

If not, can you show us which pages you visited. It does seem like we should redirect some of those to point towards this template.