pulumi / pulumi-auth0

An auth0Pulumi resource package, providing multi-language access to Auth0
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microsoft azure active directory creation Error #76

Open ib-yasn opened 3 years ago

ib-yasn commented 3 years ago

I have created a Microsoft azure AD connection using the Connection resource with the waad strategy. When I run pulumi up I get the following Error: 400 Bad Request: undefined is not a valid Windows Azure AD domain

Expected behavior

Create an Azure AD connection on Auth0

Current behavior

Error is thrown while creating the connection.

Steps to reproduce

Create a resource such as:

const microsoftConnection = new auth0.Connection('microsoft-ad-connection', {
      strategy: 'waad',
      displayName: 'Microsoft AD',
      enabledClients: [websiteClient.clientId],
      name: 'microsoft-ad',
      options: {
        appId: authenticationConfig.require('microsoftAuthClientId'),
        clientId: authenticationConfig.require('microsoftAuthClientId'),
        clientSecret: authenticationConfig.requireSecret('microsoftAuthSecret'),
        domain: 'mydomain.com',
        waadCommonEndpoint: true,
        debug: true

It happens with fixed strings as well as config items.

Context (Environment)

pulumi version: v2.20.0 @pulumi/auth0: "^1.8.0"

lblackstone commented 3 years ago

Have you tried setting the isDomainConnection option?

lblackstone commented 3 years ago

Marking as bug since the error message isn't useful.

ib-yasn commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the reply, from Auth0 perspective isDomainConnection is controlling 3rd party applications for that connection https://auth0.com/docs/applications/enable-third-party-applications. it is a different input for auth0.

can I debug json request sent to Auth0 ?

lblackstone commented 3 years ago

You should be able to see details about the request using verbose logs. See https://www.pulumi.com/docs/troubleshooting/#verbose-logging for details on enabling this.