pulumi / pulumi-aws-native

AWS Native Provider for Pulumi
Apache License 2.0
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AutoScalingGroup update fails on launch template changes #1634

Open ixti opened 1 month ago

ixti commented 1 month ago

What happened?

When I change launch template, ASG update fails:

operation UPDATE failed with "InvalidRequest": To describe the launch template data for all your launch templates, for ‘--versions’ specify ‘$Latest’, ‘$Default’, or both, and omit ‘--launch-template-id’, ‘--launch-template-name’, and version numbers. To describe the launch template data for a specific launch template, specify ‘--launch-template-id’ or ‘--launch-template-name’, and for ‘--versions’ specify one or more of the following values: ‘$Latest’, ‘$Default’, or one or more version numbers. (Service: Ec2, Status Code: 400, Request ID: c7b8595f-6104-4b59-bd20-af789ccfb2b8)


const userDataBase64Encoded = Buffer.from(`#!/bin/bash
echo 42

const launchTemplate = new awsNative.ec2.LaunchTemplate("launch-template", {
  launchTemplateName: launchTemplateName,
  launchTemplateData: {
    blockDeviceMappings: blockDeviceMappings,
    iamInstanceProfile:  { arn: instanceProfile.arn },
    imageId:             amazonLinuxImageId,
    instanceType:        instanceType,
    keyName:             sshKeyName,
    metadataOptions:     metadataOptions,
    networkInterfaces:   [{ associatePublicIpAddress: false, deviceIndex: 0, groups: [securityGroupId] }],
    userData:            userDataBase64Encoded

const autoScalingGroup = new awsNative.autoscaling.AutoScalingGroup("asg", {
  autoScalingGroupName:      `${pulumi.getProject()}-${pulumi.getStack()}`,
  healthCheckGracePeriod:    300,
  healthCheckType:           "ELB",
  instanceMaintenancePolicy: { minHealthyPercentage: 90, maxHealthyPercentage: 190 },
  launchTemplate:            { launchTemplateId: launchTemplate.launchTemplateId, version: launchTemplate.latestVersionNumber },
  maxSize:                   "2",
  metricsCollection:         [{ granularity: "1Minute", metrics: ["GroupInServiceInstances"] }],
  minSize:                   "1",
  targetGroupArns:           [targetGroupArn],
  vpcZoneIdentifier:         privateSubnetIds

After changing updating userData - it causes (correctly) update of the ASG as well, but the updte fails with the above message.

Output of pulumi about

Version      3.124.0
Go Version   go1.22.5
Go Compiler  gc

resource  aws         6.44.0
resource  aws-native  0.110.0
language  nodejs      unknown
resource  random      4.16.3

OS       gentoo
Version  2.15
Arch     x86_64

Name           evil-eurasier
URL            s3://***
User           ixti
Token type     personal

NAME                VERSION
@pulumi/aws-native  0.111.0
@pulumi/aws         6.44.0
@pulumi/pulumi      3.124.0
@pulumi/random      4.16.3
@types/node         20.14.10

Additional context

As a workaround - switched to aws classic for the ASG resource:

const autoScalingGroup = new aws.autoscaling.Group("asg", {
  enabledMetrics:            ["GroupInServiceInstances"],
  healthCheckGracePeriod:    300,
  healthCheckType:           "ELB",
  instanceMaintenancePolicy: { minHealthyPercentage: 90, maxHealthyPercentage: 190 },
  launchTemplate:            { id: launchTemplate.id, version: launchTemplate.latestVersionNumber },
  maxSize:                   2,
  metricsGranularity:        "1Minute",
  minSize:                   1,
  name:                      `${pulumi.getProject()}-${pulumi.getStack()}`,
  targetGroupArns:           [targetGroupArn],
  vpcZoneIdentifiers:        privateSubnetIds
}, {
  dependsOn: [launchTemplate],
  provider:  awsClassicUsWest2Provider


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ixti commented 1 month ago

An alternative workaround would be to create autoscaling group name using random provider with userData as keepers.

corymhall commented 1 month ago

@ixti thanks for raising this! It looks like it is an issue with the CloudControl API so I've created an issue in the cloudformation-roadmap repo.