pulumi / pulumi-aws-native

AWS Native Provider for Pulumi
Apache License 2.0
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AppRunner fails with Operation Create failed #487

Open kingwill101 opened 2 years ago

kingwill101 commented 2 years ago

What happened?

AppRunner fails with Operation Create failed

Steps to reproduce

            vpcConnectorName: "connector",
            subnets: subnets,
            securityGroups: args.appSecurityGroupIds

        const instanceRole = new awsNative.iam.Role(

                managedPolicyArns: ["arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonRDSFullAccess"],
                assumeRolePolicyDocument: JSON.stringify(
                        Version: "2012-10-17",
                        Statement: [{
                            Action: "sts:AssumeRole",
                            Principal: {
                                Service: ["tasks.apprunner.amazonaws.com"]
                            Effect: "Allow",
                            Sid: "",
            {parent: this}

        const app = new awsNative.apprunner.Service(`${name}-application`, {
            serviceName: name,
            observabilityConfiguration: {
                observabilityEnabled: true
            instanceConfiguration: {
                instanceRoleArn: instanceRole.arn,
            networkConfiguration: {
                egressConfiguration: {
                    vpcConnectorArn: vpcConnector.vpcConnectorArn,
                    egressType: "VPC"
            sourceConfiguration: {

                autoDeploymentsEnabled: true,
                authenticationConfiguration: {
                    accessRoleArn: role.arn,
                imageRepository: {
                    imageRepositoryType: "ECR",
                    imageIdentifier: image.imageName,
                    imageConfiguration: {
                        port: args.environmentVariables?.PORT || "8080",
                        runtimeEnvironmentVariables: appEnv

Expected Behavior

AppRunner creation should report success

Actual Behavior

└─ aws-native:apprunner:Service        apprunner-application      **creating failed**     1 error

  aws-native:apprunner:Service (apprunner-application):
    error: operation CREATE failed with "InternalFailure":

Versions used

@pulumi/aws-native": "^0.16.1"

Additional context

It works fine with aws-classic but classic lacks the observabilty option so native is the only option i have to use right now


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mjeffryes commented 3 weeks ago

This issue hasn't seen any activity in the last 180 days. If you are still seeing this problem, please leave a comment to let us know that this is still an active issue.