Open tscully49 opened 1 year ago
Hi @tscully49, thank you for reporting this. This seems like an unfortunate case of Pulumi's auto-naming interfering with API Gateway's handling of the body's title
I will add this to our backlog. In the meantime, a workaround might be to parse out info.title
and use it as the name
of the RestApi
new aws.apigateway.RestApi('restApiGateway', {
body: JSON.stringify(apigatewayBody),
name: parsedTitle
Good idea! The problem I run into there is that I have the body in an apply so I can use the invokeArn from a lambda being created. Since the body can be an input string, I stringify it before it gets assigned to a variable as an output
const apigatewayName = 'myRestApi'
const apigatewayBody = lambda.invokeArn.apply((invokeArn) => JSON.stringify({
openapi: '3.0.3',
info: {
title: apigatewayName,
paths: {
'/test': {
post: {
responses: {
200: {
description: '200 response',
content: {
'application/json': {
schema: {
$ref: '#/components/schemas/Empty',
'x-amazon-apigateway-integration': {
httpMethod: 'POST',
uri: invokeArn,
responses: {
default: {
statusCode: '200',
passthroughBehavior: 'when_no_match',
contentHandling: 'CONVERT_TO_TEXT',
type: 'aws',
new aws.apigateway.RestApi('restApiGateway', {
body: JSON.stringify(apigatewayBody),
endpointConfiguration: {
types: 'EDGE',
name: apigatewayName
}, {
dependsOn: lambda,
What happened?
I tried to not provide the input name for API gateway but have the name provided in the info.title field in the openapi config. According to the docs ( if the name is not provided it will read from the openapi config. What seems to happen is it uses the pulumi resource name and will never read from the openapi config.
Steps to reproduce
run pulumi up
Expected Behavior
I expect the name of the api gateway to be read from the openapi config and will be "the-name-i-want"
Actual Behavior
The API-gateway will be named "restApiGateway-xxxxx" with hexadecimal characters at the end, seeming to come from the pulumi name.
Output of
pulumi about
Version 3.50.0 Go Version go1.19.4 Go Compiler gc
Plugins NAME VERSION aws 5.26.0 aws-apigateway 1.0.1 awsx 1.0.1 docker 3.6.1 nodejs unknown
OS darwin Version 12.6.1 Arch arm64
This project is written in nodejs: executable='/Users/me/.asdf/shims/node' version='v16.19.0'
Dependencies: NAME VERSION @pulumi/aws 5.26.0 @pulumi/aws-apigateway 1.0.1 @pulumi/awsx 1.0.1 @pulumi/pulumi 3.51.0 @types/jest 29.2.5 @types/node 14.18.36 eslint 8.31.0 jest 29.3.1 ts-jest 28.0.8 typescript 4.9.4
Additional context
No response
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