This takes into account all availability zones - including local zones or wavelength zones - the user opted into for their account. Those special zones do not support all features (e.g. NAT gateways) meaning the VPC most certainly fails deploying and is in a broken state.
To prevent this from happening we should only take regular AZs into account. This can be done like so:
Issue details
When the users do not provide the AZs to use for the VPC, the component retrieves the available AZs from AWS:
This takes into account all availability zones - including local zones or wavelength zones - the user opted into for their account. Those special zones do not support all features (e.g. NAT gateways) meaning the VPC most certainly fails deploying and is in a broken state.
To prevent this from happening we should only take regular AZs into account. This can be done like so:
Affected area/feature