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If I run `pulumi whoami` and I'm logged in with a team token it returns the org name #376

Open pierskarsenbarg opened 2 months ago

pierskarsenbarg commented 2 months ago

Expected behavior

Return the name of the team.

Current behavior

Returns the org name as the username:

pulumi whoami -v returns:

User: karsenbarg
Organizations: karsenbarg
Backend URL: https://app.pulumi.com/karsenbarg
Token type: team: DevTeam
Token name: DevTeam

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a team token
  2. Run pulumi login but pass in the team token
  3. Run pulumi whoami or pulumi whoami -v

Context (Environment)

Affected feature

cleverguy25 commented 2 months ago

Can you maybe elaborate on what you would expect to see @pierskarsenbarg ?

pierskarsenbarg commented 2 months ago

Instead of the org name as the username, the team name.

caseyyh commented 2 months ago

We're taking some work this quarter on granular access tokens & short lived access tokens -- punting evaluation / prioritization of this work until we have some designs in place for how we want to model tokens for these upcoming projects.