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GitHub app integration - Pulumi preview fails with permission errors for any stacks that use ESC environments #387

Open tom-fletcher opened 1 month ago

tom-fletcher commented 1 month ago

What happened?

When using Pulumi deployments with ESC, a Team account and the GitHub app integration configured for push/pull deployments, previews fail when running from GitHub with the following error:

error: getting stack configuration: opening environment: [0] 
Diags: You do not have permission to perform this operation.

Failures only occur from the GitHub app deployment when run on GitHub Pull Request or GitHub Push. Running a preview/update from the CLI, or merging the stack changes and then running a preview/update from the Pulumi Cloud console both work as expected without any permission errors.


The stack config file looks similar to:

  - <name_of_service>

and the ESC environment looks like:

        ciphertext: ...

Output of pulumi about

Version 3.115.2 Go Version go1.22.2 Go Compiler gc

Plugins KIND NAME VERSION language nodejs unknown

OS darwin Version 13.6.6 Arch x86_64

Additional context

This appears to be an extension of issue pulumi/pulumi#15484.

My guess is that the GitHub integration app is configured to run with it's own permissions, that do not include the open or write permission that are required to access environments?


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komalali commented 1 month ago

Hey! Looks like you're running into some issues around deployment permissions. You might find this doc helpful: https://www.pulumi.com/docs/pulumi-cloud/deployments/reference/#deployment-permissions

tom-fletcher commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the link - the root cause is definitely around those default deployment permissions!

Setting Deployment permissions

I am on a Team account, so I don't believe there is any access to modify default stack/organization permissions? This leaves only the second option, which is to set a PULUMI_ACCESS_TOKEN on the stack deployment settings.

I had initially avoided this as the the Deployment settings page actually tells you not to do this 🙂

CleanShot 2024-05-13 at 15 17 35@2x

Ignoring the warning though, I have just tested this, and setting the key does work and allows the GitHub action to perform the deploy without errors. So this gives a workaround. However...


My understanding is that this means that to use Environments with the GitHub integration, every stack now has to have a PULUMI_ACCESS_TOKEN added to it. So we are back to a state where it is necessary to encrypt a common secret for every stack once again. Not having to do this was one of the attractive things about Environments (accepting that doing this with one token is slightly easier than many).

To me if feels like the ephemeral stack token should have OPEN access to the ESC environments listed in the stack's configuration file by default. I definitely expected this would be the case. This would make using Environments with GitHub far more seamless, and remove the need to add an access token to every stack.

komalali commented 1 month ago

the Deployment settings page actually tells you not to do this

Thanks for surfacing this, we need to fix that!

I am on a Team account, so I don't believe there is any access to modify default stack/organization permissions

Ah, sorry, I missed that you're on a Team account in your initial message. That's fair feedback, will start the conversation internally about how we can improve this for folks that may not have control over default permissions.

tom-fletcher commented 1 month ago

Ah, sorry, I missed that you're on a Team account in your initial message. That's fair feedback, will start the conversation internally about how we can improve this for folks that may not have control over default permissions.

I've had a bit more of a look at the Team account and permissions, so have some further feedback for the team, hopefully of some help!

GitHub access token

Member access

I see you have this under consideration at the moment, so I will finish with this feedback and just say that if you need any external testing then I am happy to help. 🙂