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Remove need to login to pulumi CLI in pre-run commands in pulumi deployments #403

Open pierskarsenbarg opened 1 month ago

pierskarsenbarg commented 1 month ago

Expected behavior

I shouldn't need to include pulumi login if I want to run something in the pre-run command that involves being logged into the Pulumi CLI

Current behavior

If I have the following as a pre-run command in the Pulumi Deployments settings:

pulumi login && pulumi env run {org}/{environment} -- aws s3 ls (where the environment has the oidc settings to use AWS OIDC), it works.

If I remove the pulumi login and just run the pulumi env run command, I get the following error:


(see https://app.pulumi.com/demo/esc-login-test/dev/deployments/5 - if whoever looks into this needs access to the demo org let me know)