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Deleting a team doesn't properly redirect to `Teams` page in `Settings` #407

Closed ringods closed 3 days ago

ringods commented 3 weeks ago

Expected behavior

After a team is deleted, the web UI should redirect back to the Teams page in Settings.

Current behavior

  1. Team is deleted and UI stays at the team url (e.g. https://<host>/backbone/teams/test )
  2. UI displays the big Error 500 page

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a team in an org
  2. Navigate to that team and click Remove in the danger zone and acknowledge the deletion

Context (Environment)

Self-hosted. Tested with 20240603-2560-signed and 20240306-2343-signed

Affected feature

RBAC - Team management.

kimberleyamackenzie commented 2 weeks ago

@ringods I do not repro this. I have done the following steps a few times, including with slow 3G network connections, and have always been redirected back to the teams list page.

  1. Navigate to $orgName/teams
  2. Select a team, which navigates me to $orgName/teams/$teamName
  3. Scroll down to the delete section on that page, and select "Remove"
  4. Confirm removal via the dialog
  5. I'm automatically navigated back to $orgName/teams

Given that I have a few questions so we can narrow this down:

  1. Is my above repro the correct one?
  2. Do you still repro this on your end? If so, do you only repro via self-hosted, or can you repro on prod or elsewhere?
  3. Could you open up your dev tools, and let me know what request is 500ing? Is it the delete?


kimberleyamackenzie commented 1 week ago

@ringods Checking in on the above, does this still repro for you?

caseyyh commented 4 days ago

From slack, Ringo called out that this is potentially related: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-service/issues/20462

kimberleyamackenzie commented 4 days ago

@caseyyh Agree that I think these 2 bugs are dealing with the same root cause (the panic). I propose we close this one, since the UI has the correct logic and is just responding to the panic, and the UI's handling will be righted once the panic is fixed.

caseyyh commented 3 days ago

Closing in favor of https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-service/issues/20462