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Expose nodeRootVolume fields in pulumi-eks the ManagedNodeGroup resource #413

Open fsxfreak opened 2 weeks ago

fsxfreak commented 2 weeks ago

We create nodepools in eks via the ManagedNodeGroup resource. Recently for a particular machine instance type we've been using, we are running into capacity issues for nodes using the gp2 volume, which motivates us to switch to using gp3.

Recently we noticed that the node root volume type option was exposed for NodeGroup and NodeGroupV2 type resources in this PR https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-eks/pull/1183, but not for ManagedNodeGroup. Could support be added for this resource?

Another avenue we've tried is adding the node root volume type option when creating our eks.Cluster resource, but that doesn't seem to have changed the volume types on any of the newly created dynamic persistent volumes.