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[Pulumi Copilot] Pulumi CLI Integration #415

Open lukehoban opened 2 weeks ago

lukehoban commented 2 weeks ago

Pulumi Copilot is now available within the Pulumi Cloud console. Given that many users work primarily in the pulumi CLI though, there are opportunities to bring some of the features from Pulumi Copilot into the CLI.

A first step is to provide links from the pulumi CLI into Pulumi Copilot which ask questions related to a Pulumi update. For example, presenting a "Would you like help with these diagnostics?" link whenever the CLI reports an error.


We can also go beyond this:

  1. Integrate streaming LLM responses directly into the CLI, so that users don't need to navigate into the Pulumi Cloud console.
  2. Support other entrypoints into Copilot outside of just diagnostics
nirgilboa commented 1 week ago

This will be an extremely useful feature, especially if we'll be able to integrate the LLM response, to explain concisely why the update failed. We're happy to beta test or assist in any way to push this forward 🙏🏻