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Organization Template (under subdirectory) not being picked up by New Project Wizard #419

Open dcorrea-wisr opened 1 week ago

dcorrea-wisr commented 1 week ago

I have added a Project template to a github repo, Added it as a Templates Source in the Integrations tab, however, I can't make it appear in the New Project Wizard.

Expected behavior

My organization template should appear in the new Project Wizard.

Current behavior

The template is not being picked up in the Project Wizard.

Steps to reproduce

  1. create new Pulumi project (dotnet azure)
  2. alter it to become a Template
  3. test template locally - succeeded
  4. commit to github repo (subfolder /src/myTemplateProject)
  5. navigate to Integrations in Pulumi Cloud portal
  6. add Github repo as templates source (success)
  7. navigate to New Project Wizard, filter by my template source, nothing show

Context (Environment)

We would like to facilitate the creation of new projects in our org, so we are assessing new tools , such as Pulumi Org Templates.

Affected feature

Pulumi Org Templates , Project Wizard