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Team Org error when exchanging a personal token through OIDC trust #423

Closed glena closed 1 week ago

glena commented 1 week ago

Re https://pulumi-community.slack.com/archives/C84L4E3N1/p1718634050294849

A customer reported

A "member" of the organization is actually not a member from an OIDC standpoint : invalid_request: internal error creating personal token validation error user is not an organization member and can basically do nothing in this plan since "Members can access stacks based on organization settings." but this is not available on this plan

Expected behavior

An organization member can request a personal access token using OIDC trust.

Current behavior

The validation that looks after organization membership fails.

Steps to reproduce

1. 2. 3. 4.

Context (Environment)

Affected feature

glena commented 1 week ago

Customer sorted it out https://pulumi-community.slack.com/archives/C84L4E3N1/p1718782496614839?thread_ts=1718634050.294849&cid=C84L4E3N1

The user was not really an organization member, after adding the user it worked as expected. I will push a PR to improve the validation message